From actis

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Actis , also Ab actis, were employees of ancient Roman authorities who are entrusted with the documentation and maintenance of formal and informal administrative acts ( acta ). From acta it partly coincides with act (u) arius , a rank in the higher office service. There are several types of ab actis . The optio ab actis was a military administrative officer in the imperial era, the ab actis senatus (also curator actorum senatus ) was a senator with the rank of quaestor , who was responsible for keeping the minutes of the senate in the 2nd and 3rd centuries . The head of the acta diurna was the procurator ab actis urbis .


Walter Eder : Actis, off. In: The New Pauly (DNP). Volume 1, Metzler, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-476-01471-1 , column 96 f.