3rd century

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| 1st century | 2nd century | 3rd century | 4th century | 5th century |
200 | 210er | 220 | 230s | 240s | 250 | 260er | 270s | 280s | 290s

Global territorial situation in the 3rd century

The 3rd century began on January 1, 201 and ended on December 31, 300 . For the Roman Empire it marked the transition from the principate to late antiquity .

Age / Epoch

Events / developments



  • Cao Cao (155–220), pioneer of the Wei Dynasty
  • Cyprian , North African Doctor of the Church and Bishop of Carthage
  • Plotinus , Greek philosopher from Alexandria; is considered to be the main representative of Neoplatonism
  • Paul of Samosata , Doctor of the Church from the Near East, Bishop of Antioch and counselor to Queen Zenobia of Palmyra; was excommunicated from the Christian Church as a heretic
  • Sima Yi (179–251), pioneer of the Jin Dynasty
  • Sima Yan (236–290), Unifier of China
  • Aurelian , Roman Emperor from 270 to 275
  • Diophantos of Alexandria , Greek mathematician
  • Longinos , Greek philosopher and linguist of Syrian origin
  • Shapur I , King of Persia (Sassanid ruler)
  • Zenobia , ruler of Palmyra and the Roman Orient
  • Mani , Persian founder of Manichaeism
  • Pappos , Greek mathematician in Alexandria
  • Kelsos Greek philosopher (Platonist), oldest known pamphlet against Christianity "True Doctrine".
  • Origen , Christian theologian, was commissioned to write a pamphlet against Kelsus .
  • Porphyrios , philosopher (Neo-Platonist) from the Near East
  • Probus , Roman Emperor from 276 to 282
  • Diocletian , Roman Emperor from 284 to 305
  • Pamphilus of Caesarea , priest and doctor of the church from Phenicia; was tortured, imprisoned and beheaded as a Christian
  • Antonius the Great , also Antonius Abbas or Antonius Eremita, Egyptian monk, ascetic and hermit
  • Arius , Christian presbyter from Alexandria. The doctrine of Arianism is named after him
  • Lactantius , a priest, rhetorician and doctor of the church from the province of Africa
  • Eusebius of Caesarea , bishop and doctor of the church called the father of church history
  • Iamblichos , Greek philosopher from Chalkis (Syria)
  • Bhasa , Indian poet, pioneer of Indian classical drama
  • Donatus , North African religious philosopher and priest
  • Constantine I , also known as Constantine the Great, was Roman Emperor from 306 to 337
  • Fasir, North African preacher and freedom fighter
  • Liu Hui , Chinese mathematician

Inventions and discoveries

Web links

Commons : 3rd century  collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Winfried Weber , "TRIER, BARBARATHERMEN", Administration of the State Castles of Rhineland-Palatinate, Mainz 1976, p. 2 para. 3