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As abarognosis (from the Greek. "Baros" weight and "gnosis" Detect), also Baragnosis , Barognosis or Dysbarognosis is in Neurology a disorder of the weight estimated assets designated. Patients affected by this symptom are unable to accurately estimate or distinguish the weight of objects held in their hands. Abarognosis can be unilateral or bilateral. It is a rare disease symptom that can occur in cases of damage to the parietal lobe of the brain (damage to the opposite side) and diseases of the cerebellum (damage to the same side), for example as a result of a stroke .

supporting documents

  1. Oscar E. Nybakken: Blackwell Publishing 1985 Greek and Latin in scientific terminology . ISBN 0-8138-0721-2
  2. Michael J Aminoff et al. a .: Clinical Neurology . Lange Verlag, 6th edition 2005. ISBN 0-07-142360-5
  3. ^ Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Urban & Schwarzenberg (ed.): Roche Lexicon Medicine. 4th edition. Urban & Schwarzenberg 1998. ISBN 3-541-17114-6 .