Image didactics

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Imaging didactics is a deformity didactic lesson planning transfers, which uncritically the system of specialized science in the teaching process, ignoring the views and the learning level of students.

Examples from history lessons are the transfer of a highly complex historical causality into the presentation of lessons for young pupils, and from language lessons the introduction of factually correct, but complicated sets of rules. A didactic reduction to an understandable level is required in each case . This does not rule out later additions. This reduction is also used by science classes when they introduce atomic models which, according to today's knowledge, are long out of date.

The didactic analysis examines substances or contents for their educational content . However, no structure can be deduced from the structure of the object as to how the learning path is designed particularly favorably. The learning subjects must be considered from the outset, not just as "disturbances" in the process.

Linguistically, behind the expression, there could be the supposed Platonic knowledge of the pure idea as the real thing, the "image" or shadow of which appears in the "clouded" reality.
