Abbir Maius

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Abbir Maius is the name of an ancient city that was in the Roman province of Africa proconsularis (now Henchir el-Kandaq , northern Tunisia ). The city was probably a civitas dependent on Carthage . She had an aqueduct that was completed by the procurator Q. Geminus Faustus. Under Caracalla it was named Aurelium Antoninianum Munizipium .

The city was a bishopric, which was assigned to the ecclesiastical province of Carthage . The titular bishopric of Abbir Maius goes back to the bishopric .


  • A. Beschaouch, La découverte d'Abbir Maius, municipe de Caracalle en Afrique Proconsulaire , BSAF 1974, pp. 118-123