Abd Allah ben Hakam

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Abd Allah ben Hakam , ( Arabic عبد الله ابن حكم' DMG ' abd allah ibn ḥakam ; † 1038 ), was the fourth emir in the Saragossa Taifa , which only ruled for 28 days in 1038.


Abd Allah ben Hakam, Arabic with full name عبد الله بن الحكم التجيبي' DMG ' abd allah ibn al-ḥakam at-tuǧībī , was a cousin of Mundir II and served under him as Qādī or as governor. He initiated in 1038 (the year 430 of the Islamic calendar ) a conspiracy against his cousin to topple him from the throne. With the support of some partisans, he was able to persuade several departments in the army to rise up against the Taifa . On August 23, they attacked the royal fortress (Alcazar) in Saragossa , captured it and executed Mundir II and his Jewish vizier Yequtiel ben Ishaq .

After his carefully thought out coup, Abd Allah ben Hakam left coins with his name and his new title Hajib , Arabic حاجب, DMG ḥāǧib (Chamberlain), which was already worn by Almansor and the previous Taifa kings as a symbol of their royal power.

Abd Allah ben Hakam's intention was to bring the former power of his grandfather Abd al-Rahman, who had been exiled by al-Mundir I , back to Saragossa. But he could only hold himself as an emir until September 20, 1038.

Before his conspiracy, Abd Allah ben Hakam had made a pact with Sulayman ben Hud al-Musta'in , the governor of Lérida with great military repute and who also came from a very powerful family. The pact provided for him to participate in political power in Saragossa, but in the end Abd Allah ben Hakam no longer adhered to the agreement made. For this reason Sulaiman ben Hud had moved to Saragossa with the support of Ismail, the Taifa of Toledo . He could enter the city without difficulty, knowing that the people of Zaragoza were on his side. Abd Allah ben Hakam had no choice but to hide in the Alcazar, as he was viewed as a usurper by the people of Zaragoza. Ultimately, he even had to flee from the angry crowd and felt compelled to leave Saragossa and retreat to the Rueda fortress . He died that same year.

predecessor Office successor
Mundir II. Emir of Saragossa
Sulayman ben Hud al-Musta'in