Abella (medic)

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Abella was an Italian doctor from the school of Salerno who lived in the mid-14th century .

Few facts have come down to us about Abella's life; so there is no more precise information about when she was born and died. She studied at the medical school of Salerno , which was very recognized in the High and Late Middle Ages , where other important doctors such as Trotula were trained.

Abella, who taught at the University of Salerno, is said to have been the author of two now lost works, written in verse according to the custom of the time, which deal with black bile ( "De atra bile libros duos" ) and with the nature of the human seed ( " De natura seminis hominis " ) concerned. "Abella, however, without prejudice in her beautiful femininity, was inspired to verses about the human semen, just as she wrote about the black bile," wrote the medical historian Baas in 1876 in his book " Outline of the History of Medicine ."


Web links

  • Karin Maringgele: Trotula VIRUS - Contributions to the Social History of Medicine 3, LIT-Verlag Vienna, 2004, ISSN  1605-7066 , Abella mentioned in Trotula on p. 16

Individual evidence

  1. Baas quoted from Walther Schönfeld : Women in Western Medicine. From classical antiquity to the end of the 19th century , chapter on women in Salerno, Ferdinand Enke Verlag Stuttgart 1947.