Manuel Carvalho da Silva

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Manuel Carvalho da Silva (2007)

Manuel Carvalho da Silva (born November 2, 1948 in Viatodos , Barcelos district ) is a Portuguese trade unionist and sociologist .


He comes from a family of small farmers. After an apprenticeship as an electrician in Braga (graduated in 1965), he worked as an electrician. After his military service, which he had to do from 1970 to 1972 in the Portuguese colonial war in Cabinda , he continued to work as an electrician. From November 1973 he was employed by the northern Portuguese company Electromecânica Portuguesa - Preh and stayed there until March 2011. With the Carnation Revolution and the end of the Estado Novo regime in 1974, he became a union member and was a representative of the Preh workforce until 2011 .

In 1976 he became the assembly president of the Sindicato dos Trabalhadores das Indústrias Elétricas do Norte , a trade union for the electrical industry in northern Portugal. After his election to the board of the Confederação Geral de Trabalhadores Portugueses - Intersindical Nacional (CGTP-IN) in 1977, he became its coordinator in 1986, and from 1999 the title was changed to general secretary. Until January 2012, Silva remained General Secretary of the largest trade union confederation in Portugal. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation .

After obtaining his diploma in sociology at the ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa in 2000, with a thesis on problems in everyday work at the Grundig companies in Braga and the Ave Valley, he received his doctorate in 2007 at the ISCTE . He has published various sociological books and works on trade union issues.


  • Manuel Carvalho da Silva: Vencer o Medo - Ideias para Portugal . Temas & Debates, Lisbon 2012, ISBN 978-989-644-208-8
  • Manuel Carvalho da Silva: Trabalho e Sindicalismo em Tempo de Globalização . Temas & Debates, Lisbon 2009, ISBN 978-972-759-954-7
  • Manuel Carvalho da Silva: Contributos para a História do Movimento Operário e Sindical - Volume I . CGTP-IN, Lisbon 2011, ISBN 978-989-8430-02-1
  • Manuel Carvalho da Silva: Agir Contra a Corrente . Campo das Letras, 2002, ISBN 978-972-610-582-4

Individual evidence

  1. , accessed June 17, 2013
  2. entry in the Pathfinder , the online encyclopedia of Porto Editora , accessed on June 17, 2013