Agostino Guerrieri

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Agostino Guerrieri (* around 1630, † around 1685) was an Italian composer .


Agostino Guerrieri was a singer at the Milan Cathedral before 1650 , where he was trained under Antonio Maria Turati (1604–1650). In December 1651 he published for the deceased Turati, under the title Primi Fiori del Giardino musicale del Sig.r Antonio Maria Turati Maestro di Capella del Duomo di Milano Colti da Agostino Guerieri, e 'dedicati All' Sig.r Marcellino Airoldi Conte di Lecco e delle Ville di Bellagio , a selection of his concerted music.


The only known print of Guerrieri's own works is the Sonate di Violino collection a 1. 2. 3. 4. per Chiesa & anco Aggionta per Camera from 1673, which was published by Francesco Magni Gardano in Venice , consisting of five part books . Two sonatas by his teacher Turati are printed in the collection and marked with the addition del Turato mio maestro . Some sonatas require the use of the Arpa Doppia . As a basso continuo , Guerrieri explicitly uses the theorbo several times in addition to the usual instruments . The Sonata La Pietra requires a basso di viola as the third upper part instrument, which could mean the cello da spalla. All sonatas are given titles which, as was customary at the time, refer to people. The first sonata, the Sonata malinconica , is dedicated to a Genoese nun and is described as follows: Alla Molto Reverenda Signora e Patrona Collendissima in Christ, La Signora D. Giovanna Francesca Raggi monaca in S. Leonardo di Genova .

Two sonatas by Guerrieri and the two by Turati are based on the Ruggiero , which, like the Folia, is one of the better-known ostinata bass formulas.

Sheet music editions

  • Edizione Musicali Musedita: Agostino Guerrieri Sonata op.1 (Venezia, 1673) Codice: GU 2 01

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry in the Catalogo della Biblioteca del Liceo Musicale di Bologna
  2. Ensemble Aurora / Enrico Gatti: L'Arte del Violino in Italia (c. 1650 - 1700) Booklet, (PDF; 494 kB; German on p. 39)
  3. ^ Eleanor Selfridge-Field: Grove MusicOnline, Guerrieri, Agostino 11934
  4. Sven Schannberger: CPO booklet to Agostino Guerrieri Sonata di Violino (2008)