Ahanta West District

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Ahanta West District
country GhanaGhana Ghana
region Western region
Capital Agona Nkwanta
District shape common
District Chief Executive Kwesi Biney
surface 636 km²
population 95153 (2002)
Population density 150 Ew. / km²

The Ahanta West district is located in the southwest of Ghana in the Western Region on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean , west of Takoradi , the second largest port city of Ghana. Ahanta West covers the southernmost point of Ghana and is one of the wettest areas in the country. The original rainforest has only survived in the Cape Three Points Forest Reserve . The name of the district is derived from the Ahanta people who live here .


The district is dominated by agriculture, 59% of the population work in agriculture, mostly as small farmers. The most important agricultural trade products are coconut , palm oil and rubber . Livestock is of less importance. Fishing is carried out on the coast. With several kilometers of sandy beach and the former fortresses of Dixcove ( Fort Metal Cross , formerly British and Dutch), Groß Friedrichsburg (formerly Brandenburg-Prussian ) and Fort Batensteyn in the village of Butre, there are some tourist attractions of economic importance for the corresponding places here .

Infrastructure 2007

All information in this section relates to the year 2007 or earlier.

There is a dense network of trails in the district, but 90% of these trails are gravel roads. Only two roads in the district are paved: the main road from neighboring Takoradi to the district capital Agona Nkwanta and from here a branch to the tourist towns of Dixcove and Busua on the coast. In Agona Nkwanta there are a few private telephone shops and in Busua there is the possibility to make phone calls with a radio telephone. 29 villages are connected to the electricity network. Apowa, Funkoe, Amanfulkuma and Kejabi are supplied with running water from water pipes. In contrast, 90% of the villages get their water from wells equipped with pumps. There is a district hospital in Dixcove and there are six health stations in the district.

There are 29 preschools, 46 elementary schools and 23 junior secondary schools (for about 12 to 15 years of age) in Ahanta West, as well as 2 senior secondary schools (for about 15 to 18 years of age) and a "Vocational" as a secondary educational institution Training Center "in Abura . The literacy level of the population is high by Ghanaian standards, especially in the localities.

Localities in Ahanta West

View from Fort Groß Friedrichsburg to the neighboring town of Princes Town

See also

Web links