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The Lords of Ainödt - in Slovene Soteški - traceable since around 1231, documented from 1282 to 1447, belonged to the oldest prehistoric nobility of Carniola . Valvasor is one of the knightly families whose name and tribe were extinguished in his time.

coat of arms

A tree on a mountain of three (after Dušan Kos, Vitez in grad).

Origin and headquarters

All that is known is that the Lords of Ainödt were loyal ministerials to the Counts of Gorizia. Their ancestral seat , which they probably built themselves, was Ainödt Castle, located between the towns of Žužemberk and Novo mesto on the right bank of the Krka River in Lower Carniola .

Valvasor writes about it like this (in extracts):

“Our alphabetical cities and places names lead us in order to the fortress or old castle Ainödt, so today Alt-Ainödt, or in Crainerian Stara Soteska is named. Otherwise this castle is in the Middle Crain on the river Gurck, not far from the new castle Einöd. This bitterly described and inscribed castle was formerly the ancestral home of the Lords of Ainöd; as their memory still occasionally glows in history books and lives immortally after their death. From which line two brothers at one time, when Mr. Rudolph and Mr. Ulrich von Ainöd owned the castle in 1231, and in 1307 Mr. Heinrich Grimschitz lost his castle in one of Ainöd. "

Valvasor calls this castle Alteinöd - Alt-Ainöd because Georg Sigmund von Scheyer had a new representative castle built on the left bank of the Krka in the second half of the 17th century, which was now called Ainödt.

Biographical data

  • According to Valvasor, the series begins in 1231 with the two brothers Rudolf and Ulrich von Ainödt, who shared the rulership of Altainödt. Rudolf probably died childless. Ulrich, on the other hand, is said to have had five sons: Meinhard, Wiger, Hermann, Heinrich and Friedrich.
  • Meinhard, Hermann, Friedrich and Heinrich von Ainödt and his son Heinrich appear as witnesses in a document from 1282.
  • Hermann the Elder and his brother Heinrich from Tschernembl sold two farms on August 10, 1333. Hermann sold two hubs near Ruegersdorf and two more in Langenacker (in longo agro vulgo Langenacker) to the Sittich monastery.
  • Hermann d. J., Hermann the elder's son was married to Flora NN († before 1356) for the first time. The son Walter came from this connection. In 1349 Hermann concluded a purchase agreement with Nicklas Hägkh for the Prunn estate. In 1356 he gave the parish monastery a farm at St. Michael an der Gurk in the parish Seisenberg (Žužemberk). In the same year he also sealed documents from Gertrud von Neudeck (Slov. Jera Mirenska) on the occasion of the death of her husband. Hermann's second wife was called Seldis. She must have been the mother of the much younger Erasm.
  • At the end of the 14th century (around 1380) Hermann's sons, Walter and Erasm were joint owners of Alteinödt. On June 23, 1375, the brothers paid their mother Seldis' claims.
  • In 1382 the brothers Leonhard, Walter and Hermann von Ainöd declared in court that they would not make any claims on the six farms that were empty on the Collositsch mountain.
  • Hermann d. In 1393 J. von Ainöd sold some goods to his brother-in-law Greinlein von Obergurk and his wife Dorothea, a née von Ainödt.
  • Erasm (son of Hermann the Younger) and his wife Anna, daughter of Ulrich von Plessl, pledged four properties to Georg Glaner, the castle administrator of Schärfenegkh, in 1434. Erasm was the owner of Altainöds until 1441. He seems to have reached a great age (over 85 years).
  • On March 14, 1444, Erasm's widow confirmed that she and her late husband had left Altainödt Caspar von Scheyer, the husband of their daughter Margarethe. Before that, however, he had to undertake to pay his sisters-in-law, Anna, Barbara and Else, £ 100 each when they came of age.


NN v. Ainod

Sons (of the NN v. A., as far as known)
1) Rudolf
2) Ulrich , both lived around 1231
Children (of Ulrich, if known)
1) Heinrich I. , Lived around 1282
Children (of Heinrich, as far as known)
1) Heinrich II., Around 1282.
2) Anna, oo Heinrich von Grimschitz , 1307
2) Wiger
3) Hermann
4) Friedrich
5) Meinhard (he follows) , lived around 1282
Children (of Meinhard, if known)
1) Heinrich from Tschernembl
2) Hermann d. Ä ., 1326, 1333, 1341; oo Bertha NN
Children (of Heinrich the Elder, as far as known)
1) Dorothea, oo Grimoald v. Obergurk (Vrhkrka), 1393
2) Leonhard, around 1382
3) Walter, 1382, 1393
4) Hermann d. J. , 1349, 1356, 1393, Ioo Flora NN, IIoo Seldis NN.
Children (of the H. of the year, if known)
(1) Walter from Ioo marriage
(2) Erasm from 2nd marriage, 1434, 1441, 1444; oo Anna v. Plessel
Children (of Erasm, if known)
a. Margaret, May 12, 1454; oo Caspar v. Scheyer
b. Anna
c. Barbara, June 12, 1488; oo Georg Gumpler


  • Majda Smole: Graščine na nekdanjem Kranjskem / Lords in the former Carniola, Ljubljana 1982,
  • Dušan Kos: Vitez in grad / Knights and Castle, Ljubljana 2005, ISBN 961-6500-82-1
  • Jože Grebenz: Gospodarska ustanovitev Stične ali njena dotacija leta 1135 (The economic foundation of the parakeet or its endowment in 1135). Samostan Stična, Ljubljana 1973
  • Ivan Stopar: Gradovi na Slovenskem / Castles in Slovenia, Ljubljana 1987, ISBN 86-361-0280-4
  • Ludwig Schönleben, MS - Ainöd Genealogy.

See also