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The Akatziren ( Acatziri or Akatziri ) were a historical tribe of steppe nomads who lived in the northern Pontic region in the middle of the 5th century . The late antique historian Priskos mentions the Akatziren ( Akatziroi ) several times in his (only fragmentarily preserved) historical work; The later explanations by Jordanes are based on the descriptions in Priskos .

The Akatziren (in older research interpreted as "forest people") belonged to a subgroup of the Huns , at least they seem to have maintained a similar way of life. They were subjected to Attila's Huns in 448/49 and forced into his ruling association. This happened after a diplomatic mission to the Akatzir king Kouridachos under the leadership of a son of Attila and the noble Hun Onegesios had not been successful. The Akatziren were defeated by the Saragur tribe in the early 460s . Afterwards the Akatziren are no longer mentioned as an independent group. The geographer of Ravenna equated them with the Khazars , but this is doubtful.


  • WB Henning: A Farewell to the Khagan of the Aq-Aqatärān. In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 14, 1952, pp. 501-522.
  • Otto Mannchen-Helfen : Akatir. In: Central Asiatic Journal 11, No. 4, 1966, pp. 275-286.
  • Walter Pohl : The Avars. 2nd Edition. Beck, München 2002, p. 24 and p. 341 (Notes 14 and 18).


  1. See e.g. B. Wilhelm Tomaschek : Acatziri . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume I, 1, Stuttgart 1893, column 131.
  2. Priskos, fragment 8 in the edition of Pia Carolla.
  3. ^ Priskos, fragment 30 in the edition by Pia Carolla.