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The Saragurs were a historical tribe of steppe nomads who lived in the area of ​​the Azov Sea in the middle of the 5th century . According to the name ("white / western Ogurs") it was probably a Turkic people .

Very little is known about the history of the Saragurs as they are rarely mentioned in late ancient sources. Early single 460 years Saraguren and adjacent groups were from the Sabirs displaced from their regular seats. The Saragurs then defeated the neighboring Akatziren and sent (as the historian Priskos reports) an embassy to the Eastern Roman imperial court of Constantinople . They asked for an alliance there, but were only released with gifts. Apparently they were encouraged to go to war against the Persian Sassanid Empire , as they invaded the Persian Caucasus region shortly afterwards in 466. Then the Saragurs disappear from tradition; Their further history is thus unknown, but they are likely to have been absorbed by other tribes in the northern Black Sea region.


  • Mark Dickens: Saraghurs. In: The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity . Volume 2 (2018), p. 1330.
  • Gyula Moravcsik: Byzantinoturcica. Volume 1: The Byzantine sources of the history of the Turk peoples (= Berlin Byzantine works. Volume 10). Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1958, p. 65.
  • Walter Pohl : The Avars. A steppe people in Central Europe, 567–822 AD. 2nd edition, CH Beck, Munich 2002, ISBN 978-3-406-48969-3 , p. 23 f.


  1. Hyun Jin Kim: The Huns. Routledge, London / New York 2016, ISBN 978-1-138-84175-8 , p. 132 f.
  2. ^ Priskos, fragment 30 in the edition by Pia Carolla.