Acephalic verse

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Acephalous verse (from Greek ἀκέφαλος aképhalos , German , headless' ) referred to in the ancient metric a relative to the meter to the first syllable or the first element shortened verse . A well-known form in which acephalic verse occurs frequently is the limerick . The first syllable can also be omitted here in the case of a fundamentally anapaesic meter , in the example

A chain smoker from Nice
who looked in the tank of his car for fuel ...

in the first verse. In metric notation with omitted syllables in brackets:

(◡) ◡ — ◡ (◡) —◡◡ — ◡
◡◡ — ◡◡ — ◡◡ — ◡

An example from antiquity is the Reizianum .


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