Kröner's pocket edition
Kröner's Taschenausgabe ( KTA ) is a series of books mainly consisting of complete representations, reference works and classics from the Alfred Kröner Verlag ( Stuttgart , Leipzig etc., see also Alfred Kröner ) that has been published since 1908.
According to the publisher, their small, light blue linen volumes form its "heart" and are published "with the same intention as at the beginning". The series contains - thematically broadly diversified - various generally understandable overall representations of certain epochs and topics (e.g. Karl Heinemann : Die deutsche Dichtung , 1910) as well as dictionaries (e.g. the Philosophical Dictionary , first 1912). Some volumes were revised or were later published under a different title, such as The Music of Nations - a music history (1937) by Ernst Bücken (1884–1949), which was re- edited by Jürgen Völckers after the Third Reich (1951) .
The first volume in the series from 1908 is the work Die Weltträtsel . Common studies of monistic philosophy by the Darwinist Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919), the second by Epiktet : Handbüchlein der Moral und Unterredungen (1909). From 1910 onwards the volumes appeared in quick succession. The series includes many valued handy or extensive reference works: "Dictionaries / Encyclopedias / Handbooks" (e.g. Handbook of Historic Places & Handbook of Historic Places in Germany ), important works on cultural history and "classics" of intellectual history, such as Marc Aurel , Gustave Le Bon or Karl Marx . The work of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is particularly well represented in the series. Many of the early volumes in the series were edited by the philosopher Heinrich Schmidt .
The following list does not claim to be up-to-date or complete. Some publication dates are those of the first publication, others are those of later editions or revisions.
- Ernst Haeckel : The world riddle . Common Studies on Monistic Philosophy (1908) 1
- Epictetus : Handbooks of Morals and Conversations. Edited by Heinrich Schmidt (1909) 2
- Bartholomäus von Carneri : The modern man. Experiments about lifestyle. 3
- Marc Aurel : Self-Contemplation . 4
- Seneca : Of the blissful life . Heinrich Schmidt (Ed.) 5
- Heinrich Schmidt (transl., Opening and note): The four gospels. 6
- Samuel Smiles : The Character. 7
- Baltasar Gracián : Hand oracles and the art of sophistication 8
- Herbert Spencer : Upbringing - Intellectual, Moral, and Physical 9
- Karl Heinemann : The German Poetry. Outline of German literary history. 10
- Epicurus : philosophy of joie de vivre. Heinrich Schmidt (Ed.) 11
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe : Faust: the tragedy first and second part; with the Urfaust. 12
- Heinrich Schmidt : Philosophical dictionary . first in 1912 13
- 14 Karl Heinemann: Poetry of the Greeks.
- 15 Karl Heinemann: The Classical Poetry of the Romans.
- Arthur Schopenhauer : Aphorisms on wisdom. 16
- 17 Karl Paul Hasse (Karl Margrave of Montoriola): The Italian Renaissance. A plan of the history of their culture.
- Wilhelm Wundt : The Nations and their Philosophy. 18
Konrad Sturmhoefel : History of the German People . 2 volumes, Kröner, Leipzig 1916. (Edited with Albert Brause)
- Volume 1: From the beginnings to the death of Frederick the Great . (= Kröner's pocket edition, Volume 19)
- Volume 2: From the death of Frederick the Great to the outbreak of the Franco-German War (1870) . (= Kröner's pocket edition, volume 20)
19/20 - Friedrich Nietzsche : Nietzsche = words about state and peoples compiled by Elisabeth Förster . 21
- Ernst Haeckel : The wonders of life. Common studies of biological philosophy. 22
- 23 Karl Heinemann: Wisdom of the Greeks.
- Benedict von Spinoza : The Ethics - Writings and Letters. Edited by Friedrich Bülow. 24
- Plutarch : Roman heroic lives. Coriolan - The Gracchen - Sulla .... Pompey. Caesar. Cicero. Brutus. Transferred and edited by W. Ax. 25
- Ludwig Feuerbach : The question of immortality from the point of view of anthropology 26
- Ludwig Feuerbach : The essence of religion (Ed. Heinrich Schmidt ) 27
- Charles Darwin : The Descent of Man . 28
- Eduard von Hartmann : Thoughts on the state, politics and socialism. Compiled v. Alma v. Hartmann. 29
- Friedrich Nietzsche : Words for people-to-be 30
- Ludwig Feuerbach : Pierre Bayle, Critique of Theology. A contribution to the history of philosophy and humanity. 31
- Hans Leisegang : The Gnosis. 32
- David Friedrich Strauss : Voltaire: 6 lectures. 33
- Friedrich Schleiermacher : About religion. Speeches to the educated among their despisers. With an introduction by Hans Leisegang . 34
- Johann Gottlieb Fichte : Speeches to the German Nation. With an introduction by Hermann Schneider . 35
- Karl Simrock [transl.]: The Nibelungenlied 36
- Friedrich Nietzsche : The benefits and disadvantages of history for life. 37
- Friedrich Nietzsche : Schopenhauer as an educator. Max Oehler (Afterword) 38
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel : People, State, History. 39
- Voltaire : For truth and humanity. His writings selected and introduced by Paul Sakmann . 40
- Friedrich Nietzsche : About the future of our educational institutions (1871/72). 41
- Friedrich Nietzsche : Philosophy in the tragic age of the Greeks (1873). (Follow-up report: Richard Oehler). 42
- Ferdinand Lassalle : People and politicians in personal testimonies, 43
- Schelling : his worldview from the scriptures. 44
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe : Diary of the Italian trip. 45
- Kant-Laplace theory , ideas for the origin of the world by Immanuel Kant and Pierre Laplace . 46 Heinrich Schmidt: The
- Alfred Körte : The Hellenistic Poetry 47
- Arthur Schopenhauer - The personality and the work in the philosopher's own words. In addition to an appendix: Schopenhauer as an experience. 48 Konrad Pfeiffer:
- Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi : Basic teachings about people and education 49
- Albrecht Wirth : German History from 1870 to the Present. 50
- Raoul Heinrich Francé : BIOS. The laws of the world. 51
- Bachofen , mother law 52
- Jacob Burckhardt , Renaissance 53
- Jacob Burckhardt : The time of Constantine the Great 54
- Jacob Burckhardt : World historical considerations . 55
- Jacob Burckhardt : Lectures on cultural history. With afterword ed. by Rudolf Marx 56
- Jacob Burckhardt : Memories from Rubens 57
- Jacob Burckhardt : Greek cultural history, ed. by R. Marx, 3 volumes 1948–1952, vol. 1 58
- 59 vol. 2
- 60 vol. 3
- Erwin Rohde : Psyche: Cult of the soul and belief in immortality of the Greeks. Selected and introduced by Hans Eckstein 61
- Goethe : Writings on nature 62
- Sören Kierkegaard : Religion of Action. A selection of his work. 63
- Karl Marx : Capital 64
- 65
- Plutarch : Greek heroic life: Themistocles - Pericles - Alkibiades - Alexander - Pyrrhus. Transfer u. ed. by Wilhelm Ax. 66
- Plutarch : Roman heroic lives. Transfer u. ed. by Wilhelm Ax. 67
- Raoul H. Francé : The scales of life. 68
- Plato : Major Works 69
- Friedrich Nietzsche : Birth of Tragedy 70
- Plato : major works, selected. and inserted: Wilhelm Nestle 71
- Schelling : His worldview from the scriptures. 72
- Friedrich Nietzsche : Dawn 73
- Friedrich Nietzsche : The happy science 74
- Friedrich Nietzsche : Zarathustra 75
- Friedrich Nietzsche : Twilight of the Idols 77
- Friedrich Nietzsche : The will to power 78
- 79 Johannes Bühler: The culture of the Middle Ages.
- Aurelius Augustine : Confessions and the state of God. Augustine - His work selected by Joseph Bernhart. 80
- 81 Friedrich Bülow: Economics. An introduction to economic thinking.
- Friedrich Nietzsche : The innocence of becoming. The estate. First part. 82
- Friedrich Nietzsche : The innocence of becoming. 83
- August Messer : Pedagogy of the Present 84
- Friedrich Nietzsche : The innocence of becoming. The estate. Selected and arranged by Alfred Baeumler . Second volume (of two) 85
- Adam Müller : On the spirit of community. Elements of statecraft. Theory of money. Summarized and introduced by Friedrich Bülow. 86
- Johann Gustav Droysen : History of Alexander the Great; Editor: Helmut Berve 87
- 88 Werner Mahrholz: History of literature and literary studies
- Hans Henning : Psychology of the present. 89
- Heinz Potthoff : Labor law - The struggle for emerging law. 90
- Karl Marx : The historical materialism. The early writings 91
- Karl Marx : The historical materialism. The early writings 92
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg : Aphorisms and writings. His work selected and introduced by Ernst Vincent. 93
- Wilhelm Hehlmann : Dictionary of Pedagogy 94
- 95 Martin Luther: Theology of the Cross. The religious scriptures. Edited by Georg Helbig.
- 96 Dictionary of Antiquity
- Carl Gustav Carus : Goethe. For a better understanding. Edited by Rudolf Marr with an afterword. 97
- Carl Gustav Carus : Psyche - on the history of the development of the soul 98
- Le Bon , Psychology of the Masses 99
- 100 Alfred Baeumler [Ed.]: Nietzsche in his letters and reports of contemporaries
- 101 Montaigne : About yourself
- 102 Ludwig Büchner : Power and Material.
- 103 Adam Smith : Nature and Causes of Popular Wealth.
- 104 Kant , The Three Criticisms
- 105 Thomas Aquinas , Sum of Theology I.
- 106 Thomas Aquinas , Sum of Theology II
- 107 Auguste Comte : The sociology, the positive philosophy in extract
- 108 History of Philosophy. Ernst v. aster
- 109 Thomas Aquinas , Sum of Theology III
- 110 Paul de Lagarde : Writings for Germany.
- 111 Plato : The State
- 112 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz : The main works.
- 113 Ernst Forsthoff : German History since 1918 in Documents. Published with connecting text.
- 114 Dictionary of Economics
- 115 German History in the Nineteenth Century. 2 volumes. Edited in summary by Heinrich Heffter. 1st volume
- 116 German History in the Nineteenth Century. 2 volumes. Edited in summary by Heinrich Heffter. 2nd volume
- 117 People and State. Ernst Moritz Arndt . His writings in Ausw. Ed. v. Paul Requadt .
- 118 Schopenhauer , Menschl. will
- 119 The pre-Socratics : The fragments u. Source reports. Trans. U. a. v. Wilhelm Capelle
- 120 The New Testament - Volume One: The Gospels. Wilhelm Michaelis
- 121 The New Testament - Volume Two: Acts of the Apostles, Letters, Revelation. Wilhelm Michaelis
- 122 Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl : The natural history of the German people.
- 123 Thomas Carlyle : Heroism and Power. Fonts for the present. Published by Michael Freund.
- 124 Plutarch - Heroes and Fates. Dion; Pelopidas; Phocion; Agis; Kleomentes; Coriolan; Flamininus; Sertorius; Cicero; Brutus.
- 125 Alfred Bertholet : Dictionary of Religions
- 126 Thomas von Kempen : The imitation of Christ
- 127 Dictionary of German Folklore Kröner's pocket edition, Volume I.
- 128 Dictionary of German Folklore Kröner's Pocket Edition, Volume II
- 129 Aristotle : Major Works
- 130 Suetonius : Caesar life . Reissued and explained. With an introduction by Rudolf Till.
- 131 Ernst Bücken : History of Music. Revised by J. Völckers.
- 132 Ernst Kornemann : Roman history - first volume: The time of the republic.
- 133 Ernst Kornemann : Roman history. Volume II. The Imperial Era.
- 134 Jacob Burckhardt : The Cicerone .
- 135 Karl Weinhold and Georg Seifert (arrangement): Old Norse life. 1938
- 136 Johann Gottfried Herder : Man and History. His work and plan. Edited by Willi Koch .
- 137 Heinrich von Treitschke : German fights. The nicest smaller fonts. Published by Heinrich Heffter .
- 138 WB Yeats : A Vision
- 139 Will-Erich Peuckert : The Brothers Grimm. Eternal Germany. Your work in plan.
- 140
- 141 Eberhardt, [arr.] Fritz. Military dictionary. With 15 ktn., 14 plates u. 142 Fig. Stuttgart Kroener Verl, 1940
- 142 Claudius, Matthias ; Koch, Willi August (ed.): Believing heart. His work for us
- 143 Lesky, Albin : The Greek Tragedy. 1938
- 144 Hebbel, Friedrich : The human being and the powers.
- 145 Wagner, Richard : The main fonts. Ed. U. introduced by Ernst Bücken
- 146 Ranke, Leopold von : History and Politics. Selected essays and master writings
- 147 Capelle, Wilhelm : The Germanic peoples migration. Represented on the basis of contemporary sources
- 148 Helm, Rudolf (ed.): The poems of Horace.
- 149 List, Friedrich . About German reality. His writings in selection ed. by Fritz Forschepiepe
- 150 Thucydides : The great war.
- 151 Lennartz, Franz: The poets of our time. Individual representations of contemporary German poetry.
- 152 Aeschylus : The tragedies
- 153 Paul, Jean : World Thoughts and Thoughts. From his work. selected u. built v. Richard Benz.
- 154 Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph and Paul Requadt: aphorisms, letters, writings. G. Chr. Lichtenberg. Edited by Paul Requadt
- 155 Ratzel, Friedrich: Earth power and the fate of the people. A selection from his works. [Edited and introduced by Karl Haushofer].
- 156 Francesco de Sanctis: History of Italian Literature in 2 Volumes. Vol. 1: From the beginnings to the Renaissance, Vol. 2: From d. Late Renaissance to Romanticism
- 157 (Volume 2)
- 158 Fischer, Walter (translated and edited): Liedsang from German early days. Middle High German poetry.
- 159 Stein, Heinrich von: Idea and World. The work of the philosopher and poet. Selected and published with the documents of his life. by Günter Ralfs
- 160 Luther, Martin and Reinhard Buchwald: Luther in conversation: notes from his friends and table companions; Transferred for the first time by Reinhard Buchwald after the original texts of the “Tischreden”.
- 161 Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus): The century of the revolution. Translated and introduced by Heinrich Weinstock
- 162 Grimm, Herman: The Life of Goethe. Newly edited and introduced by Reinhard Buchwald
- 163 Sophocles , The Tragedies
- 164 Johannes Ullrich: Deutsches Soldatentum Documents and personal testimonials from eleven centuries of German military history
- 165 Johannes Jahn, Wolfgang Haubenreisser: Dictionary of art.
- 166 Thier, Erich: Trailblazers of German Socialism: a selection from your writings.
- 167 von Clausewitz, Carl: Geist und Tat. The legacy of the soldier and thinker. A selection from his works, letters and unpublished writings
- 168
- 169 Nietzsche, Friedrich. Sword of the spirit. Words for the German fighters and soldiers. (1941)
- 170 Oehler, Richard: Nietzsche register. Alphabetical and systematic overview of Friedrich Nietzsche's world of thought. Developed from the text using terms and names.
- 171 Swift, Jonathan : The human comedy: writings, fragments, aphorisms. Published by Michael Freund.
- 172 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim : heroism of reason. The poet's view of the world and art.
- 173 Machiavelli, Niccolo : Thoughts on Politics and Governance
- 174 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb , Politics and Weltanschauung. His struggle for freedom in a selection from his writings
- 175
- 176
- 177
- 178
- 179
- 180 Leese, Kurt: Protestantism in the course of modern times: Texts and characteristics of the German intellectual and piety history from the 18th century to the present. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1941
- 181 Winckelmann, Johann Joachim; Forschepiepe, Fritz [editor], Ewiges Greekentum: Selection from his writings and letters. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1943
- 183 Buchwald, Reinhard: Guide through Goethe's Faust poetry: explanation of the work and history of its creation. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1955, 1942
- 184 Grimm, Herman; Buchwald, Reinhard: German artists: 7 essays. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1942
- 185 xenophon ; Bux, Ernst [editor]: The Socratic Writings: Memorabilia, Symposion, Oikonomikos, Apology. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1956
- 186 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von ; Müller, Günther: maxims and reflections. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1943
- 187 The culture of antiquity and the foundation of occidental culture. 1, The Hellenism Stuttgart: Kröner, 1957
- 188 The culture of antiquity and the foundation of occidental culture. 2, The Romans, Ancient and Occidental Culture. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1957, first in 1948
- 189
- 190 Glasenapp, Helmuth from : The religions of India. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1943
- 191
- 192 Nestle, Wilhelm : Greek intellectual history from Homer to Lukian: presented in its development from mythical to rational thinking. Stuttgart: Kröner, [1955], 1944
- 193 Grimm, Herman; Buchwald, Reinhard: The Century of Goethe: Memories and reflections on the German intellectual history of the nineteenth century. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1948
- 194 Pictorial Dictionary of Architecture
- 195 Glasenapp, Helmuth von: The philosophy of the Indians: an introduction to their history and their teachings. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1958
- 196 Martini, Fritz: German literary history: from the beginnings to the present. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1952
- 197 Schiller, Friedrich; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [author]; Dollinger, Hermann [editor]: The correspondence between Schiller and Goethe. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1948
- 198 Epicurus ; Mewaldt, Johannes [editor]: Philosophy of Joy: a selection from his writings. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1949
- 199 Dihle, Albrecht: Greek literary history. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1967
- 200 Wilhelm Hehlmann : history of psychology
- 201 Cicero . Man and politician. Selection from his letters. Ax, Wilhelm (Ed.), 1953
- 202 Emerson, Ralph Waldo ; Perry, Bliss [editor]: The Diaries. 1954
- 203 Plato : The letters. 1947
- 204 Huizinga , Autumn of the Middle Ages
- 205 Hirschberg, Walter [editor]: Dictionary of Ethnology. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1965
- 206 Philosophical Reader. 1, From Bacon to Hegel . Stuttgart: Kröner, 1949
- 207 Philosophical Reader. 2, the nineteenth century. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1950
- 208 Treue, Wilhelm: Economic history of modern times: the age of the technical-industrial revolution from 1700 to 1966. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1966
- 209 Karl Marx , early writings
- 210 Thiel, Eberhard [editor]: Subject dictionary of music. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1962
- 211 Hans-Wilhelm Haussig : Cultural history of Byzantium.
- 212
- 213 Narr, Karl Josef: Urgeschichte der Kultur. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1961
- 214 Aron, Raymond; Fetscher, Iring [editor]: The German sociology of the present: systematic introduction to sociological thinking. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1969
- 215 Huizinga, Johan ; Köster, Kurt [editor]: History and culture. Collected Essays; with 6 pen drawings by the author. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1954
- 216
- 217 Franz Lennartz : Foreign poets and writers of our time. Kröner, Stuttgart 1971
- 218 Epicurus , Selected Writings
- 219 Schuster, Forgotten Modernism
- 220 Dietrich, Margret: The modern drama. Currents, shapes, motifs. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1961
- 221 Tocqueville, Alexis de ; Landshut, Siegfried [editor]: The age of equality: a selection from the complete works. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1954
- 222 Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von ; Glockner, Hermann [editor]: Studium generale: Lectures on the method of academic study. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1954
- 223 Ramm, Thilo [editor]: Early socialism: source texts. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1968
- 224 Herodotus : Histories
- 225 Tacitus, Cornelius ; Büchner, Karl [editor]: The historical attempts. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1955
- 226 Bauer, Karl H .; Hahn, Otto; Bothe, Walther: From the atom to the world system: a series of lectures on the results of atomic nuclear research. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1954
- 227 Edward, Georg; Obenauer, Karl Justus [editor]: Goethe-Taschenlexikon. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1955
- 228 Fuchs, Walter; Mensching, Gustav; Glasenapp, Helmuth von: The great non-Christian religions of our time in individual representations. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1954
- 229 Weber, Max; Winckelmann, Johannes [editor]: Sociology, analyzes of universal history, politics. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1956
- 230 Bertalanffy, Ludwig von; Mensching, Gustav; Rad, Gerhard von: Faith in creation and the theory of evolution: a series of lectures. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1955
- 231 Gero von Wilpert : Subject dictionary of literature.
- 232
- 233 Weber, Writings
- 234
- 235 Machiavelli : The Prince
- 236
- 237
- 238 Tacitus, Cornelius ; Horneffer, August [translator]; Schur, Werner [editor]: Annalen. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1955
- 241 Bollnow, Otto Friedrich: Education for what? A series of lectures. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1956
- 242 Klages, Ludwig : man and earth: eleven treatises. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1956
- 243 Althaus, Paul : Mensch und Menschlichkeit: a series of lectures. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1956
- 244 Alexander / Stökl, Russian history
- 245
- 246 Schlegel, Friedrich von: Writings and fragments: an overall picture of his mind. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1956
- 247 Büchner, Karl: Roman literary history: its main features in an interpretive presentation. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1959, 1957
- 248 Wilhelm, Theodor: Pedagogy of the Present. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1977, first in 1960
- 249 Sehrt, Ernst Th .: Shakespeare: English essays from three centuries to understand his works. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1958
- 250 Michels, Robert: On the sociology of the party system in modern democracy: Studies on the oligarchic tendencies of group life. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1957
- 251 Bismarck, Klaus von: Christians or Bolsheviks: a series of lectures. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1957
- 253 Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich; Zollinger, Max [editor]; Barth, Hans [editor]: Basic teachings about people, the state, education: a selection of his writings. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1956
- 254 Treue, Wilhelm: German history from the beginnings to the end of the Adenauer era. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1971, first in 1958
- 257 Jecht, Horst: On the value of money: a series of lectures. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1961
- 261 Schilling, Kurt: history of social ideas: individual, community, society. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1966, first in 1957
- 262 Bamberger, Richard: The child in our time: a series of lectures. Stuttgart: Kroener, 1958
- 263 Ovidius Naso, Publius; Stroh, Wilfried [editor]; Marnitz, Viktor von [translator]: The erotic poems: German complete edition. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2001
- 264 Goldammer, Kurt: The world of forms of the religious. Outline of systematic religious studies. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1960
- 266 Humboldt, Alexander von; Zaunick, Rudolph: Cosmic observation of nature: his work in plan. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1958
- 268 Bennholdt-Thomsen, Carl-Gottlieb [employees]; Kühn, Erich; Köllmann, Wolfgang: Man in the big city: a series of lectures. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1960
- 268 Baade, Fritz: How will we live tomorrow? A series of lectures. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1957
- 269 Hehlmann, Wilhelm: Dictionary of Psychology. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1974
- 269 Hehlmann, Wilhelm: Dictionary of Psychology. Stuttgart: Kröner, [1968], first 1959
- 270 Knudsen, Hans: German theater history. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1959
- 271 Handbook of Historic Places in Germany. Kröner, Stuttgart 1958ff.
- Handbook of the historical sites of Germany, Vol. 1. Olaf Klose (Ed.): Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg . 3rd improved edition. 313 pages. 1994, ISBN 3-520-27103-6 .
- 272 Handbook of the historical sites of Germany, Vol. 2. Kurt Brüning (Ed.): Lower Saxony and Bremen . 5th improved edition. 608 pages. 1986, ISBN 3-520-27205-9 .
- 273 Handbook of the Historical Places of Germany, Vol. 3. Manfred Groten , Peter Johanek , Wilfried Reininghaus , Margret Wensky (Eds.): North Rhine-Westphalia . 3rd completely revised edition. 1256 pages. 2006, ISBN 3-520-27303-9 .
- 274 Handbook of Historic Places in Germany, Vol. 4. Georg Wilhelm Sante (Ed.): Hessen . 3rd revised edition. 540 pages. 1976, ISBN 3-520-27403-5 .
- 275 Handbook of the historical sites of Germany, Vol. 5. Ludwig Petry (Ed.): Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland . 3rd revised edition. 523 pages. 1988, ISBN 3-520-27503-1 .
- 276 Handbook of the Historical Places of Germany Vol. 6. Max Miller , Gerhard Taddey (Ed.): Baden-Württemberg . 2nd improved and enlarged edition. 1029 pages. 1980, ISBN 3-520-27602-X .
- 277 Bosl, Karl: Handbook of the historical sites of Germany, Bd. 7, Bavaria. Ed. By
- 278 Handbook of Historic Places. Karl Lechner (Ed.): Austria. Volume 1: Danube countries and Burgenland . Reprint of the 1st edition 1970. 1985, ISBN 3-520-27801-4 .
- 279 Handbook of Historic Places Hanns Bachmann, Karl Heinz Burmeister , Franz Huter (Eds.): Austria. Volume 2: Alpine countries with South Tyrol . 2nd revised edition. 752 pages. 1978, ISBN 3-520-27902-9 .
- 280 Handbook of historical sites Volker Reinhardt (Ed.): Switzerland and Liechtenstein . 798 pages. 1996, ISBN 3-520-28001-9 .
- 281
- 282
- 283 Seidler, Herbert: The poetry: essence, form, existence. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1959
- 284 Euripides : The Dramas I.
- 285 Euripides : The Dramas II
- 286
- 287
- 288 Gero von Wilpert : German poet lexicon
- 289 Bayer, Erich: Dictionary of history. Terms and technical terms. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1960
- 290 Caemmerer, Gerhard [employee]; Bertalanffy, Ludwig von [employee]: Freedom of personality: a series of lectures. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1958
- 295 Hofstätter, Peter Robert: Introduction to social psychology. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1959
- 296 Mann, Otto: History of the German Drama. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1960
- 298 Schmökel, Hartmut [editor]: Cultural history of the ancient Orient: Mesopotamia, Hittite Empire, Syria-Palestine, Urartu. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1961
- 299 Tacitus, Cornelius; Sontheimer, Walther [translator]: Histories. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1968
- 300 materials from world literature
- 301 motifs from world literature
- 302 Livy, Titus
- 303 Roman history. 2, The Punic War 218–201. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1968
- 304 Möhrmann, Renate [editor]: Women's fantasies: the imagined man in the work of film and book authors. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2014
- 305 Schmidt, Johann N .: Great Britain 1945–2010: Culture, Politics, Society. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2011
- 306 Zischka, Gert A .: General scholars lexicon: biographical concise dictionary for the history of the sciences. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1961
- 307 Mason, Stephen Finney: History of Science in the Development of Its Minds. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1961
- 308 Stegmüller, Wolfgang: main currents of contemporary philosophy. 1. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1960
- 309 main currents of contemporary philosophy. 2. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1975
- 310
- 311 Handbook of Historic Places in Germany, Vol. 10. Gerd Heinrich (Ed.): Berlin and Brandenburg. With Neumark and Grenzmark Posen-West Prussia (= Kröner's pocket edition. Vol. 311). 3rd revised and expanded edition. 1995, ISBN 3-520-31103-8 .
- 312 Handbook of Historic Places in Germany, Vol. 8. Walter Schlesinger (Ed.): Saxony . Unchanged reprint of the 1st edition 1965. 445 pages. 1990, ISBN 3-520-31201-8 .
- 313 Handbook of Historic Places in Germany, Vol. 9. Hans Patze (Ed.): Thuringia . 2nd improved and supplemented edition. 592 pages. 1989, ISBN 3-520-31302-2 .
- 314 Handbook of Historic Places in Germany, Vol. 11. Berent Schwineköper (Ed.): Province of Saxony-Anhalt . 2nd revised and expanded edition. 644 pages. 1987, ISBN 3-520-31402-9 .
- 315 Handbook of the historical sites of Germany, Vol. 12. Helge bei der Wieden , Roderich Schmidt (Ed.): Mecklenburg, Pommern . 385 pages, 1996, ISBN 3-520-31501-7 .
- 316 Handbook of historical places Hugo Weczerka (Ed.): Schlesien . 2nd improved and enlarged edition. 738 pages. 2003, ISBN 3-520-31602-1 .
- 317 Handbook of Historic Places Erich Weise (Ed.): East and West Prussia . Unchanged reprint of the 1st edition 1966. 1981, ISBN 3-520-31701-X .
- 318 Glasenapp, Helmuth von: The literatures of India from their beginnings to the present. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1961
- 319 Mayer-Tasch, Peter Cornelius [editor]: The constitutions of Europe. With an essay, constitutional histories and a comparative subject index. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1966
- 320 Stein, Hartmut: Chronicle of German key texts: literary factual texts from Luther to Henning Ritter. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2012
- 321 Wolf, Walther: cultural history of ancient Egypt. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1962
- 323 Potratz, Johannes AH: The art of the ancient Orient: Babylonia and Assyria, ancient Syria, ancient Anatolia and ancient Persia. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1961
- 324 Handbook of the Historical Places of Germany, Vol. 7, 1. Hans-Michael Körner , Alois Schmid (Ed.): Bavaria. Volume 1: Old Bavaria and Swabia . 4th completely rewritten edition. 956 pages. 2006, ISBN 3-520-32401-6 .
- 325 Handbook of the historical sites of Germany, Vol. 7, 2. Hans-Michael Körner, Alois Schmid (Ed.): Bavaria. Volume 2: Franconia (= Kröner's pocket edition. Vol. 325). 4th completely rewritten edition. 651 page. 2006, ISBN 3-520-32501-2 .
- 326
- 327 Handbook of Historic Places Olaf Klose : Denmark . 257 pages. 1982, ISBN 3-520-32701-5 .
- 328
- 329 Handbook of historical sites Joachim Bahlcke , Winfried Eberhard, Miloslav Polívka (eds.): Bohemia and Moravia . 889 pages. 1998, ISBN 3-520-32901-8 .
- 330 Handbook of Historic Places Harald Roth (Ed.): Siebenbürgen . 309 pages. 2003, ISBN 3-520-33001-6 .
- 331 Bömelburg, Friedrich II.
- 332 Bauer, Johannes Baptist [editor]: Lexicon of Christian antiquity. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1999
- 333 Bauer, Karl H .: Road traffic, problem with no way out? A series of lectures. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1961
- 334 Galliker, Mark; Klein, Margot; Rykart, Sibylle: Milestones in psychology: the history of psychology according to persons, work and effect. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2007
- 335 Pascal, Roy: The storm and stress. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1963
- 336 Milestones in Education
- 337 Fischer, Eugen Kurt: The radio play: Form and function. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1964
- 338
- 339 Alker, Ernst: The German literature in the 19th century (1832-1914). Stuttgart: Kröner, 1969
- 340 Greiner, The Tragedy
- 341 Seidlmayer, Michael; Schieder, Theodor; Petersen, Jens: History of Italy: from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the First World War. With contributions from: Theodor Schieder: Italy from the First to the Second World War; Jens Petersen: Italy as a Republic, 1946–1987. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1989
- 342 Dinzelbacher, Peter [editor]: Humans and animals in the history of Europe. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2000
- 343 Riescher, Gisela [editor]: Political theory of the present in individual presentations: from Adorno to Young. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2004
- 344 Potratz, Johannes AH: Introduction to archeology. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1962
- 345 Collaer, Paul: History of modern music: with 96 music examples. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1963
- 346 Engler, Winfried: History of the French novel: from the beginnings to Marcel Proust. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1982
- 347 architectural milestones
- 348 Maier, Bernhard: Koran -Lexikon
- 349 Galliker, emotion and motivation
- 350
- 351 Theisohn, Plagiarism: Handbook of Historic Places
- 352 Figures of the Middle Ages
- 353 Heinz Kindermann (Ed.): Far Eastern Theater
- 354 Gardiner, Alan Henderson; Kissling, Eckart [translator]: History of ancient Egypt: an introduction. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1965
- 355 Hofmann, Werner: Foundations of modern art: an introduction to its symbolic forms. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1966
- 356
- 357 Städtler, Thomas: Lexicon of psychology: dictionary, manual, study book. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1998
- 358 Suchanek-Fröhlich, Stefan: Cultural history of France. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1966
- 359 Taeschner, Franz; Steppat, Fritz: History of the Arab world. With a contribution “The Arab World in the Era of Nationalism”. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1964
- 360 Schanze, Helmut [editor]: Handbook of media history. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2001
- 362 Bayer, Erich: Greek history. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1968
- 363 Schanze, Helmut [editor]: Romantic handbook. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2003
- 364 major works of art historiography
- 365 Jutikkala, Eino; Pirinen, Kauko: History of Finland. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1964
- 366 Kroh, Paul: Lexicon of ancient authors. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1972
- 367 Welzig, Werner: The German novel in the twentieth century. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1967
- 368 Rudolf Simek : Lexicon of Germanic mythology.
- 369 Kienzle, Siegfried: Actor of the present: 714 individual interpretations of the play since 1945. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1973
- 370 Klemm, Imma [editor]: German novelist. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1991
- 371 Dollinger, The Hanse
- 372
- 373
- 374 Kluxen, Kurt: History of England [England]. From the beginning to the present.
- 375 Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art
- 376 line u. a., family history
- 377 Machiavelli , Discorsi
- 378 Prang, Helmut: History of the comedy. From antiquity to the present
- 379 major works of political theory
- 380 Feest, Christian F. [editor]: Major works of ethnology. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2001
- 381 Essler, Wilhelm K .: Introduction to logic. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1966
- 382 Contemporary German Literature in Individual Representations. 1. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1976 (first 1968)
- 385 Marques, António Henrique R. de Oliveira: History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2001
- 386 Shakespeare Handbook
- 387 Schabert, Ina: English literary history: a new presentation from the perspective of gender research. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1997
- 388 Engler, Winfried: Lexicon of French literature. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1974
- 390 Martini, Wolfram: Subject dictionary of classical archeology. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2003
- 391 documents of the divided Germany. 1. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1968
- 392 documents of divided Germany. 2: Since 1968. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1974
- 393 Münch, Ingo von [editor]; Hoog, Günter: Documents of the reunification of Germany. Source texts on the process of reunification from the wave of emigration from the GDR via Hungary, the CSSR and Poland in the late summer of 1989 to the accession of the GDR to the scope of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany in October 1990. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1991
- 394 Rauch, Georg von: History of the Soviet Union. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1969
- 395 Migner, Karl: Theory of the modern novel: an introduction. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1970
- 396 main works of sociology
- 397 Schabert, History of English Literature, 20th Century
- 398 Lange, Wolf-Dieter [editor]: French literature of the present in individual representations. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1971
- 399 Drescher, Horst W. [editor]: English literature of the present in single representations. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1970
- 400 Reinhart Beck: Subject dictionary of politics.
- 401 Knörrich, Otto: German poetry since 1945. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1978
- 402 Small dictionary of works of philosophy
- 403 Hofstätter, Peter Robert: Differential psychology. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1971
- 404 Dictionary of Politics
- 405 Koebner, Thomas [editor]: Trends in German literature since 1945. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1971
- 406 Wilpert, Gero from: The German ghost story: Motive, form, development. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1994
- 407 Goethe Lexicon
- 408 Neumann, From Pauker zum Päd.
- 409 Stegmüller, Wolfgang: main currents of contemporary philosophy. 3. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1987
- 410 Dictionary of Sociology
- 411 Marx, Karl: Economic writings in a thematic context.
- 412 Christadler, Martin: American literature of the present in single representations
- 413 Wolfram Eberhard: History of China. From the beginning to the present
- 414 Weggel, Oskar: History of China in the 20th century
- 415 Stegmüller, Wolfgang: main currents of contemporary philosophy. 4. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1989
- 416 Geerdts, Hans Jürgen: Literature of the GDR in individual representations. Stuttgart 1972
- 417 milestones in world literature
- 418 Slonim, Marc: The Soviet literature: an introduction. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1972
- 419
- 420 von Rinsum: Lexicon of literary figures - German-language literature
- 421 Rinsum, Annemarie van; Rinsum, Wolfgang van: Lexicon of literary figures. 2: Foreign language literature. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1990
- 422
- 423 Philosophy of the Present
- 424 Ancient teachings of happiness
- 425 Lexicon literaturtheoret. Works
- 426 Monar, Jörg [editor]; New election, Nanette; Noack, Paul; Anselmann, Norbert [staff]: Specialized dictionary on the European Union. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1993
- 427 Recktenwald, Horst Claus [editor]: History of political economy: an introduction to images of life; with e. Abhandl .: Political Economy in the Present and Future. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1971
- 428 Born, Karl Erich: Money and banks in the 19th and 20th centuries. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1977
- 429 Anweiler, Oskar [editor]: Cultural policy of the Soviet Union. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1973
- 431 Pörtner, Peter; Heise, Jens: The philosophy of Japan from the beginning to the present. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1995
- 432 Sautter, Udo: History of Canada: the becoming of a nation. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1972
- 433 “So I must cry bitterly”: on the cultural history of tears / Renate Möhrmann (Ed.), With the scientific collaboration of Anja Herrmann
- 434 Trommler, Frank: Socialist literature in Germany: a historical overview. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1976
- 435 major works of historiography
- 436 Hösle, Johannes; Eitel, Wolfgang [editor]: Italian literature of the present in individual representations. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1974
- 437 Applied Ethics. Manual
- 438 Roskamp, Karl W .: The American Economy 1929–1970: An Introduction. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1975
- 439 Becker, Winfried; Dinzelbacher, Peter [editor]: The churches in German history: from the Christianization of the Teutons to the present. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1996
- 440 Analytical Philosophy. 1: Methodology, philosophy of language, ontology, epistemology. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1972
- 441 Humanities Today
- 442
- 443 Sautter, History of the USA
- 444 Hassan, Ihab Habib: Modern American Literature: An Introduction. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1974
- 445 Lange, Wolf-Dieter [editor]: French literary criticism of the present in individual representations. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1975
- 446 Perspectives in Linguistics. 1. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1973
- 447 Perspectives in Linguistics. 2. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1974
- 448 Hiller, Horst B .: The modern natural sciences. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1974
- 449 Sommer, Roman History I.
- 450 Dinzelbacher, cultural history of the Christian orders
- 451 Wolfgang Kasack (Ed.): Lexicon of Russian Literature from 1917. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1976
- 452 Lexicon of Linguistics
- 453
- 454 Summer, The Phoenicians
- 455
- 456 Dictionary of Mysticism
- 457
- 458 Summer, Roman History II
- 459 Aristotle Lexicon
- 460 Lexicon of Biblical Persons
- 461 Pomeroy, Sarah B .: Women's life in classical antiquity. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1985
- 462 Eitel, Wolfgang [editor]: Latin American literature of the present in single representations. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1978
- 463 Lurker, Manfred: Lexicon of gods and demons: names, functions, symbols, attributes. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1989
- 464 Dictionary of Symbolism
- 465 Drescher, Horst W .: Lexicon of English literature. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1979
- 466 Lexicon of Celtic Religion and Culture
- 467 Pongratz, Ludwig J .: main currents of depth psychology. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1983
- 468 Moormann, Eric M .; Uitterhoeve, Wilfried: Lexicon of ancient figures with their continued life in art, poetry and music. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1995
- 469 Dinzelbacher, European history of mentality
- 470
- 471
- 472 Scherf, Walter: Lexicon of magic fairy tales. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1982
- 473
- 474 Weber-Fas, Rudolf [editor]: Jurisprudence: the legal disciplines in individual presentations. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1978
- 475 Reinhard, Brief history of colonialism
- 476
- 477 Non-fiction dictionary of medieval studies, ed. by Peter Dinzelbacher . Kröner, Stuttgart 1992
- 478 Otto Knörich: Forms of literature in individual representations
- 479 Lexicon of lyric forms
- 480 Peter Nusser : German literature in the Middle Ages
- 481
- 482
- 483 Mertens, Volker [editor]: Epic materials of the Middle Ages. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1984
- 484 Luck, Georg: The wisdom of dogs: Texts of the ancient Cynics in German translation with explanations. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1997
- 485 Reinhardt, Volker: The great families of Italy. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1992
- 486 Volpi, Franco: Lexicon of philosophical works. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1988
- 489 Luck, Georg: Magic and other secret doctrines in antiquity: with 112 newly translated and individually commented source texts. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1990
- 490 Simek, Rudolf; Hermann Pálsson: Lexicon of Old Norse Literature. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1987
- 492 Bußmann, Hadumod [editor]; Bronfen, Elisabeth
- 492 Gender: on the gender difference in cultural studies. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1995
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- ^ Alfred Kröner Verlag: Publisher profile , accessed on August 11, 2017.
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