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Plan of one of the excavated houses

Al-Meragh is an archaeological dig site in Sudan . It is located in Wadi Muqaddam about 227 km north of Omdurman and 66 km south of Kurti . The wadi belongs to the Bayuda landscape , which is now largely desert.

A Napatan settlement was excavated near al-Meragh in 1999 and 2000 . So far, only private houses have been found, but they had stone pillars and stone door frames, which suggests that the residents are of relatively high social standing. The houses each consisted of two residential units. All buildings are oriented in the same direction, so that one can assume a uniform planning. The place was probably only inhabited for a generation or two and then was destroyed by fire.

The function of this settlement, which already had the character of a town, is not certain, but it may have been an administrative center that the Cushites established here to colonize the area. The place was apparently destroyed by nomads. Whether these were the Meded nomads, as the excavator of the settlement suspected, cannot be proven.


  • Timothy Kendall: Evidence for a Napatan occupation of the Wadi Muqaddam: excavations at al-Meragh in the Bayuda Desert (1999-2000). In: Brigitte Gratien (éditeur): Mélanges offerts à Francis Geus: Égypte - Soudan. imprimerie Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3, Villeneuve-d'Ascq 2007, ISBN 2-9525870-1-9 , pp. 197-204.

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Individual evidence

  1. Description

Coordinates: 17 ° 33 ′ 4.2 ″  N , 31 ° 37 ′ 33.6 ″  E