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The Meded (also Mededet or Mdyy ) were nomads who are mentioned several times in Nubian inscriptions and possibly repeatedly caused problems.

In the annals of the Arikamaninote (around 5th century BC) this king reports that he came to Krtn (probably Kurti ) in his second year of reign . When he was in his palace there, the western nomads , named Meded, attacked the city and fled when they saw the king.

Harsijotef (around 4th century BC) reports fighting in his third, fifth and sixth year of reign against the Meded rebels, who are certainly the same nomads. They are said to have devastated three cities in a region called Anreware .

Most likely they are mentioned as Mdyy in an inscription by Nastasen (around 4th century BC), in which it is reported that they plundered the temple of the Aspelta in Kawa .

So far, research has tentatively assumed that they could be identified with the Bedjah . The Meded are expressly referred to as western nomads , while the Bedscha lived in the eastern desert. It is therefore more likely that they were an ethnic group in their own right. In recent years (near Gireid-Fuweik) a large cemetery has been identified near Kurti. This could be related to the Meded, who, according to the texts, lived close to Kurti, be their main cemetery and mark their settlement area.

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