Aleksander Loit

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Aleksander Loit , also Alexander Loit , (born June 11, 1925 in Pärnu , Estonia ) is a Swedish historian of Estonian descent.


In his studies, his contributions to conferences and symposia and publications, Loit has mainly dealt with the history of Estonia since the Swedish times and the mutual relations between the two countries, including in art and architecture. Another area of ​​interest concerns the evaluation of archaeological finds to assess the relationships between the Baltic Sea countries Scandinavia and the East Baltic .

Loit was professor at the Institute for Baltic Studies at Stockholm University from 1981 to 1993 .


  • 1993: Eesti kunstist ja kunstielust 19. sajandi lõpust kunie astani 1916. Merismusi Eesti kunstist ja kunstielust (About Estonian art and conception of art from the turn of the century to 1916. Studies on art and art life in Estonia), Tallinn 1993.
  • 1993: as editor: Art and Architecture in the Baltic States in the Swedish Era and other studies on Baltic art history . Almquist och Wicksell Internat., Stockholm 1993, ISBN 91-22-01536-1 .
  • 1993: together with Helmut Piirimäe as publisher: The Swedish Baltic provinces of Estonia and Livonia in the 16th to 18th centuries . Almquist och Wicksell Internat., Stockholm 1993, ISBN 91-22-01533-7 .
  • 1992: as editor: The contacts between the East Baltic and Scandinavia in the early Middle Ages . Almquist och Wiksell, Stockholm 1982, ISBN 91-22-01503-5 .
  • 1990: as editor: The Baltic Countries 1900–1914 . 2nd volumes of the . Proceedings from the 9th Conference on Baltic Studies in Scandinavia, 1987 , Studia Baltica Stockholmiensis No. 5. Almquist och Wicksell Internat., Stockholm 1987, ISBN 91-22-01389-X and ISBN 91-22-01391-1 .
  • 1985: The connections between Scandinavia and the East Baltic based on archaeological source materials . 1. Symposium of Soviet Estonian and Swedish Archaeologists 1982. Studia Baltica Stockhomiensis No. 1. Almquist och Wicksell Internat., Stockholm 1985, ISBN 91-22-00747-4 .
  • 1985: National Movements in the Baltic Countries during the 19th Century . Studia Baltica Stockholmiensis No. 2. Almquist och Wicksell, Stockholm 1985, ISBN 91-22-00776-8 .

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