Alessandro Santini

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Alessandro Santini (* 1922 in Rome ; † 1993 ) was an Italian film director and film producer .

Santini, about whom very little is known, began his work in the film business in 1953; until 1960 he worked as a production manager and producer for five films . After a sixth film, The Spaghetti Western For a Handful of Lead (1966), he switched to the director's chair in 1970 and made a handful of films by 1979, which received limited distribution and, reviled by critics, received little attention.


  • 1970: Questa libertà di avere… le ali bagnate
  • 1972: Al di là dell'odio
  • 1974: La pelle sotto gli artigli
  • 1979: Una force per 3 vigliacchi

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