Alfredas Samerdokas

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Alfredas Samerdokas (* before 1970 ) is a Lithuanian chess player. He also plays correspondence chess . Alfredas Samerdokas has held the title of "International Correspondence Chess Master" since 2014. He took part in correspondence chess world championships (WCCC 39 SF 08 39 and others). In January 2016 his correspondence chess Elo number was 2428. Samerdokas works in Vilnius and is sales manager for air compressor trade in the Lithuanian company UAB “Oro Mostrai”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Correspondence chess: history in Lithuania ( ICCF info)
  2. Alfredas Samerdokas (ICCF Info)
  3. Pasaulio korespondencinių šachmatų čempionatas
  4. Kompresorių pardavėjai oru neprekiauja ( Verslo žinios Economic Journal )