Algirdas Martinaitis

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Algirdas Martinaitis (born May 17, 1950 in Paserbentis ) is a Lithuanian composer.

Marinaitis attended Eduardas Balsys' composition class at the Lithuanian Music and Theater Academy until 1978 . From 1987 to 1990 he worked at the Russian Dramatic Theater, from 1995 to 1998 he was musical director of the Lithuanian National Theater . After early works such Paskutinių Sodų muzika , Rojaus paukščia and Cantus ad futurum composed he incidental music, including to Sirano de Beržerakas (director Algimantas Pociūnas , theater Šiauliai) Life Life (directed by Yuri Popov , Russian Dramatic Theater) and Eglutė pas Ivanovus (directed : Jonas Vaitkus , Russian Dramatic Theater).

In 1989 he was awarded the Lithuanian National Prize as a composer. As a theater composer, he received the Kristoforos Prize in 1997. At the competition of the Lithuanian Composers ' Union , he and Teisingojo žodžio malda received the prize as the best Lithuanian composer of electroacoustic music. Martinaitis' works have been performed at the Baltic Music Festival in Stockholm in 1992, the Vale of Glamorgan Festival (1996), the Probaltica'97 festival in Poland and the MaerzMusik Festival in Berlin (2003).
