General professional qualifications

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The general professional qualifying competencies ( ABK ) are a study area or a so-called interdisciplinary curricular area of ​​the Bachelor's degree at a university . The courses and other components (internships, excursions, workshops) of the ABK study serve among other things

The ABK area is an integral part of the bachelor's degree; it is called differently at the universities, for example:

  • ABV (= general vocational preparation),
  • ASQ (= general key qualifications),
  • BOK (= professional field-oriented competences) or
  • BOZ (= professional field-oriented additional qualifications).

The general vocational qualification competencies differ from the " Studium generale " or the elective area of ​​the course in terms of their professional relevance and the interdisciplinary content. The point here is not to attend courses in other subjects, but to acquire general (interdisciplinary) skills that are required in professional life, and at the same time to establish or prepare a connection between study and work.

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