General legal protection conditions

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General legal protection insurance conditions (short: ARB) are the insurance contract conditions that usually form the basis of a legal protection insurance contract . As with all general insurance conditions, these are general terms and conditions, which are therefore subject to clause control.

Until 1994, all legal expenses insurers used uniform conditions that had previously been approved by the responsible Federal Insurance Supervisory Office. Therefore, the so-called ARB 75 and ARB 94 are still standardized. With the “3. Law for the Implementation of the Insurance Directives of the Council of the EC “of July 21, 1994, the requirement for approval for insurance conditions was abolished.

Since then, it has been possible to agree individual conditions. It is true that most of the ARB today are based on so-called model conditions that are published by the Association of the German Insurance Industry . Nevertheless, the competition means that the individual companies deviate from this with their own individual conditions. The last "common" set of conditions are the ARB 2005 .

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  1. Federal Law Gazette I p. 1630


  • Günter Bauer: Legal development in the general terms and conditions for legal protection insurance until the beginning of 2012 , NJW 24/2012, 1698 (following the previous article in the NJW 2011, 1415)