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Briscola ( brìscula in Sicilian , briškula in Croatian , la brisca or brisca in Spanish ) is an Italian trick card game for two to six players without a color requirement , which is played with a normal Italian 40-card game . The year of origin is 1800. The game is traditionally widespread and popular in Croatia , Puerto Rico , Spain , Portugal and Cape Verde .

The cards

Modiano cards "napoletane"

A deck of Italian cards consists of 40 cards divided into four suits : coins, cups, swords, and clubs (or sticks). The card values ​​go from one to seven, plus three face cards per suit: Queen ( Donna in Italian), Rider ( Cavallo ) and King ( Re ).


A table follows which shows the hierarchy and the point value. Cards that are not listed have no point value and are placed in the hierarchy in descending order, from seven to two. But the “three” has a special place.

Hierarchy and point value of the cards
Cards according to the hierarchy Point value
As 11
Three (3) 10
king 4th
equestrian 3
lady 2

A maximum of 120 points can therefore be achieved.

Number of players

Depending on how many players are participating in a game, there are different ways to play Briscola.

Two, four or six players

If there is an even number of players, they are usually divided into two teams (with two players, this division is not necessary). Please note that two players from the same team are never seated next to each other. If there are six participants, all twos must be removed from the deck before the start, so that all cards can be evenly distributed. The team that scores at least 61 points wins. A score of 60:60 is considered a tie .

Three players

With three participants, everyone plays against everyone else. First, any two must be removed from the game. The player with the highest number of points wins.

Five teammates

With five players taking part, a combination of team and individual play is usually used. First all 40 cards are dealt evenly and then bidding , whereby the winner determines one card as a “briscola” (trick card ). Whoever has this card forms a duo with the winner of the bidding, but must not make himself or herself noticeable before or during the game. Then the individual tricks are played until all cards have been played. Since it is not necessarily clear to the teammates who do not have the announced trump card who belongs to which team, one tries to get as many points as possible from the opposing team through deception or the like. The duo wins if they reach or exceed the previously announced number of points (a value that is necessarily greater than 60); otherwise the opposing trio wins.

Other variants

There is also a variant of the game in which the three card is classified as “three”, that is, is beaten by the “four”, but still scores ten points.

There are also computer ports of the card game for the PC (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux) and as a mobile phone app .

Web links

supporting documents

  1. see BoardGameGeek
  2. tucows Download Briscola