Trump (card game)

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The term trump is a popular simplification of the word triumph and generally denotes an advantage in a figurative sense. The term is derived from the early Trionfi playing cards , a deck created around 1450 that, compared to other card sets, contained additional cards with a trump function in the game. The term is mainly used today in the game of cards , more rarely in the game of dice .

In addition to the term trump, the French expression atout is also used , for example in bridge the abbreviations NT for no trump or SA for sans atout apply to a game without “trump” .

Trump in the card game

In the card game trumps or trump cards are especially valuable cards that the player "trump" and other cards sting can.

Normally the colors of the card game ( diamonds , hearts , spades and clubs for the French hand or bells , hearts or roses , leaves or reeds and acorns for the German or Swiss hand) are equal to one another. In different games, however, it turns out that one of these colors as a trump has a higher power to win a trick. It is then superior to the other suits and the presence of a trump card in a trick means that this trick goes to the owner of this trump card.

Different types of trumps in individual games

All cards of this color are then trumps, including the so-called Luschen .

Play with pre-determined trump suits or cards

Games with a variable trump suit

Games with extra cards for Trump

The card game trump

There is also a game called Trump . The game is played with a penalty! -Cards. In this trick-taking game, after receiving the cards, the goal is to predict the exact number of tricks that you would like to have taken at the end of the round. When the number of stitches is reached, there are plus points, otherwise minus points.

A variant of this is called the trump with friend or Baptist Skat . Here a card is determined (e.g. Green 19) with which the friend is sought and, ideally, the trick is secured. This allows games with up to 840 points (maximum number of points) to be possible. You should play with 5 or 6 players. With 5 players each player receives 14 cards, with 6 players each receives 12 cards. The number of points that one believes can be achieved with the help of the "stick" (bid value) is offered, at least in steps of 10. The player who names the highest bid value is allowed to play, determines the trump suit and receives the “stick” (10 cards for 5 players / 8 cards for 6 players), which he can exchange for his cards (freely selectable). The played color must be used as long as it is available to the respective player. If someone no longer has the color, he has to trump; if he has no more trump cards, he can play any card. If someone fails or trumps, although he still owns the color, that party loses the game. Either the highest trump card or the highest card of the suit played wins the trick. When all cards have been played, the points are added up. For the sake of simplicity, i. d. Usually the difference is counted for the opponents at the end of the game. If the player and friend have reached the bidding value together, the player receives the full bidding value, the friend half. If the game is lost, the points will be deducted. The friend is found out by the player playing (after a trick won) and shouting “friend” out loud. However, the friend is not required to "show" himself. One can play alone against the other by taking his own card as a friend. With "Contra" (can only be pronounced by an opponent) the points are doubled, with "Re" (can only be pronounced by the player or his friend (s)) quadrupled. This means that a maximum of 3,360 points can come together. This of course makes the game much more exciting. The number of rounds is not limited and so you can play for hours.


From the technical meaning of trump , some idioms are derived in common usage :

  • "... play a trump card ..." = reply something that silences the other; provide a compelling argument
  • "... he has all the trumps in his hand ..." = he has all the advantages on his side

supporting documents

  1. Erhard Gorys : The book of games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 10.