All-Japanese Choral Association

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The All-Japanese Choir Association ( Japanese 一般 社 団 法人 全 日本 合唱 連 盟 , Ippan Shadan Hōjin Zennihon Gasshō Renmei , English "Japan Choral Association", short: JCA) is an umbrella association for choirs founded on November 23, 1948 and is currently a general legal association largest organization of its kind in Japan . The association is based in the Chūō district , Tokyo prefecture . The aim is to contribute to the development of choral music by disseminating, instructing and training choirs . At present, 5155 choirs are organized in nine departments of the umbrella organization (as of Jan. 2014). The chairman is Shinsuke Kishi.


The formation of the association goes back to the 1920s and goes back to the efforts of Kōsuke Komatsu . After studying abroad in France in 1927, Komatsu first founded the “Society for National Music ” ( 国民 音 楽 協会 , Kokumin Ongaku Kyōkai , English “National Music Association”) based on the French model and held the first Japanese choir competition that same year. In Japan, this is considered to be the birth of choral music (according to western understanding). The first choirs that were formed in different parts of the country after the Second World War from 1945 to 1947 were then officially incorporated into the All-Japanese Choir Association in 1948.


The association organizes various musical events throughout the calendar year. These include:

  • the " All- Japanese Choir Competition" ( 全 日本 合唱 コ ン ク ー ル , Zennihon Gasshō Concours , English "JCA National Choral Competition") has been held every autumn since 1948. Eligible are choirs in the three categories: middle school, high school and university, company and other choirs that have emerged as winners from the regional choir competitions of the year.
  • "All-Japanese Conference and Choir Competition for Mothers" ( 全 日本 お か あ さ ん コ ー ラ ス 大会 , Zennihon Okāsan Concours Taikai , "JCA Mothers' Chorus Festival") is an event that is held annually in the summer. It extends over two days in which a choir competition, but also training courses and further education are held. Two prizes will be awarded as part of the competition, the “Choir Prize for Mothers” ( お か あ さ ん コ ー ラ ス 賞 , Okāsan Chorus-shō ) and the “Sunflower Prize” ( ひ ま わ り 賞 , Himawari-shō ).
  • There is also a festival for children's and male choirs. In addition, the Asahi Composition Prize for Choirs is sponsored by the All-Japanese Choir Association.

Former Chair

Web links


  1. What is meant is the Société Nationale de Musique .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A Guide to the Japan Choral Association. JCA, 2014, accessed December 6, 2014 .
  2. 小松 耕 輔 . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus at Retrieved December 6, 2014 (Japanese).