Alone in the Dark: Illumination

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Alone in the Dark: Illumination is a cooperative third-person shooter from Pure FPS for Windows . It is the sixth title in the computer game series Alone in the Dark . The game was released on June 11, 2015 via Atari .


The location is the abandoned city of Lorwich on the southern border of the US state Virginia . The former mining town used to be an industrial center before a flood forced the population to flee and completely destroyed the mine facilities. As a result, the city remained deserted even after the water receded and began to fall apart. How the catastrophe could even have come about has never been clarified. Because of reports of strange creatures and an eerie mist in the city, nobody dares to enter it anymore. The locals of the area believe in the existence of an evil supernatural force they only call The Darkness and blame for what happened.


Up to four players can play together in Illumination . The team consists of four characters with different skills and fighting styles:

  • Theodore "Ted" Carnby (The Hunter)
  • Celeste, actually Sara Hartwood (The Witch)
  • Gabriella Saunders (The Technician)
  • Father Henry Giger (The Priest)

There are three campaigns with four missions each. In it the team has to reach a shelter, enemy creatures and a few puzzles make the way there difficult.


Database Rating
Metacritic 12%
publication Rating
4players 10%
GameStar 23%

The game received mostly negative reviews after its release ( Metacritic : 19%).

“If Eden Games' design was a fragile game that courageously represents its vision, illumination is a serious accident with no chance of resuscitation. I can't think of any aspect under which it might be waved as a 'nice co-op shooter in the next sale' when we've had something wonderful like Left 4 Dead for years. You can only nail on the thickest possible flap in the hope that no one will ever release this misery again, and wish everyone involved a speedy recovery. "

- Sebastian Thor : Eurogamer

"Alone in the Dark: Illumination shows in a shocking way what you can do wrong in game development and how you can finally give a brand the fatal blow."

- Michael Krosta : 4Players

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Metacritic
  2. a b 4players
  3. Gamestar
  4. Eurogamer