Old Catholic seminar at the University of Bonn

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The Old Catholic Seminar of the University of Bonn is unique in Germany, because there is no other place in Germany to study Old Catholic theology. The seminar serves, among other things, as a training center for the Old Catholic Church in Germany . It offers a four-semester master’s degree in "Old Catholic and Ecumenical Theology". The prerequisite for this is a previous degree in theology. Until 2013, it was possible to enroll in a ten-semester course in Old Catholic Theology with an ecumenical focus, which ends with the Church Examination in Old Catholic Theology . The main research focus of the seminar lies in dealing with the history and theology of Old Catholicism as well as in ecumenical theology . The institution reports directly to the Rectorate of the University of Bonn .


Günter Eßer, Matthias Ring (ed.), Between freedom and bondage. Festschrift for the 100th anniversary of the Old Catholic Seminar of the University of Bonn, Bonn: Alt-Katholischer Bistumsverlag 2002. ISBN 3-934610-18-8

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