Day care center

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Christmas party in a Hamburg day care center for workers' welfare in 1981 with Social Senator Ernst Weiß

There are very different day care centers for the elderly . Above all, charities and churches, but also private initiatives, provide rooms for old people who are interested in meeting people of the same age. Sometimes it's just about having coffee, singing songs, or playing cards together. Common Christmas parties are often held or lectures are given. A leader is usually provided to take care of the program and budget.

Specialized day- care centers for the elderly look after people with dementia and confused old age during the day, similar to a retirement home . All day care centers for the elderly have in common that their guests leave the house in the evening.

Need for day care centers

The need for day care centers for the elderly is increasing as people are getting older and - especially in large cities - are becoming increasingly lonely.

The proportion of people with dementia is also increasing. For those affected, special day care centers for the elderly are particularly important. People with dementia often feel anxious in a strange environment, and their behavior sometimes appears unreasonable and incomprehensible. That is why they need patient attention and address - if possible from specialists.

People with dementia need the attention of people who patiently help them express needs and cope with their everyday lives. Activation and employment offers that are offered on site and are individually tailored help those affected to train their skills.

It is also important that caring relatives (in the sense of long-term care insurance , these are caregivers ) have the opportunity to relax and use the time for themselves during the care.

See also: Elder Care