Old Nubian script

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The Old Nubian script was used for Old Nubian from the 8th to the 15th centuries . It essentially corresponds to the Coptic alphabet extended by the characters - probably a ligature of two Coptic gamma -, ń - derived from  ny from the Meroitic script - and - derived from Meroitic  w , as well as the spelling instead of Coptic Ϭ .

Nubian transcription Nubian transcription Nubian transcription
Ⲁⲁ a Ⲗⲗ l Ⲫⲫ * (ph)
Ⲃⲃ b Ⲙⲙ m Ⲭⲭ * (ch)
Ⲅⲅ G Ⲛⲛ n Ⲯⲯ * (ps)
Ⲇⲇ d Ⲟⲟ O Ⲱⲱ O
Ⲉⲉ e ⲞⲨ ⲟⲩ u Ϣϣ š
Ⳍⳍ (x) Ⲡⲡ p Ϩϩ H
Ⲏⲏ i Ⲣⲣ r Ⳝⳝ ( Ϭϭ ) ǵ
Ⲑⲑ * (th) Ⲥⲥ s Ⳟⳟ
Ⲓⲓ i, y Ⲧⲧ t Ⳡⳡ ń
Ⲕⲕ k Ⲩⲩ i Ⳣⳣ w

* ⲐⲬⲮ can only be found in Greek names and loan words, also only in loan words.

The punctuation was inconsistent , with an overwritten dot or dash indicating a short i : ⲥ̇ is , ⲗ̅ il . Sentence tone groups were marked with a dot and a colon was used to conclude. In addition, a ⳹ was used at the end of the sentence , as well as a for infinite and for finite questions as a question mark . At sending came used.

Old Nubian in Unicode

Unicode encodes the old Nubian script in the Unicode block Coptic and in the Unicode block Greek and Coptic .


  • Ernst Zyhlarz: Basic features of Nubian grammar in the Christian early Middle Ages. (Old Nubian). Grammar, texts, commentary and glossary. Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Leipzig 1928 ( Treatises for the customer of the Orient. 18, 1, ISSN  0567-4980 ); to the script: §§ 1–5.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c ISO / IEC JTC1 / SC2 / WG2 N2744: Revision of the Coptic block under ballot for the BMP of the UCS. (PDF) Unicode Consortium, accessed on September 4, 2015 (English).
  2. a b c Zylharz 1928, p. 6