Ant traffic

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"Ant highway"

As ants transport refers to transport of goods or objects in multiple small parts from one place to another.

For example, a person crosses the border between two countries and imports or exports the maximum legally possible amount of goods each time. This is particularly popular with tourists on the border to duty-free areas. In many poor countries, entire strata of the population live from ant traffic with cigarettes, alcohol, fuel (tank tourism ) and the like. An increasing import / export of so-called soft illegal drugs such as hashish has also been observed in industrialized countries .

Under ants trade would explain why the illegal street trading of drugs . The walk-in customers, consisting of end customers who only purchase quantities for their own consumption, come and go like ants who exploit a source of food, i. H. many individuals are constantly carrying away tiny amounts. Every larger city usually has one or more such places, some of which are only known to local customers, or whose existence is more or less generally known and at least semi-publicly tolerated.