Julius Grünewald

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Julius Grünewald (* 1965 in Worms ) is a German painter .

From 1987 to 1994 he studied at the Karlsruhe Art Academy , among others with Kirkeby , Antes , Huber, Kaminsky, Balkenhol and Bächli. He lived for several years in Budapest and Cologne , and since 1998 in Lehnitz near Berlin .

Among other things, he paints large-format interiors.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • "The pigs of the lambs", Restitution exhibition room, Berlin, together with Andreas Heiszenberger (2004)
  • "Interior. Knights. Auerhähne.", Autocenter exhibition space, Berlin (2004)
  • "Wild boar and capercaillie", Max Slevogt-Galerie Schloss Villa Ludwigshöhe, Edenkoben / Palatinate (2005)
  • "Home", Karlheinz Meyer Gallery, Karlsruhe (2005)
  • "Journey through my room", Kunstverein Schwetzingen (2006)
  • "Interior", Haas and Fuchs Gallery, Berlin (2006)
  • "Potatoes to Gold", Galerie Karlheinz Meyer, Karlsruhe (2007)
  • "10000 Years", Haas and Fuchs Gallery, New York (2008)
  • "The Ancestors", Kunsthalle Mannheim (2008)
  • "New Day", Haas Gallery, Zurich (2009)
  • "A thousand times blind", Karlheinz Meyer Gallery, Karlsruhe (2009)
  • "Anatomie", Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin, together with Miwa Ogasawara (2010)
  • "Who by fire", Kunstverein Heppenheim (2011)
  • "Paintings", Miro Gallery, Prague (2012)
  • Galerie Nosbaum & Reding, Luxembourg (2012)
  • Gallery Karlheinz Meyer, Karlsruhe (2013)
  • "Tea for the Sun", Galerie Nosbaum & Reding, Luxembourg (2014)
  • "The field that hears", Kunstverein Worms (2015)

Participation in exhibitions (selection)

  • "Zeitblick", acquisitions of the contemporary art collection of the Federal Republic of Germany, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (2008/09)
  • "Gala", 5 collectors show their favorites, Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig (2009)
  • "Landscape after 2000", Kunsthalle Osnabrück (2013)

Works in public collections

  • Saarland Museum Saarbrücken
  • Kunsthalle Mannheim
  • Collection of the Federal Republic of Germany

Exhibition catalogs / literature

  • Galerie Haas and Fuchs (eds.), Julius Grünewald. Interior. With a text by Michael Hübl (Berlin 2006)
  • Galerie Karlheinz Meyer (ed.), Julius Grünewald. Potatoes to gold. With a text by Ralph Melcher (Karlsruhe 2007)
  • Kunsthalle Mannheim (ed.), Julius Grünewald. The ancestors. With a text by Inge Herold (Mannheim 2008)
  • Hans-Joachim Müller, Julius Grünewald. In: artist. Critical Lexicon of Contemporary Art 89/4, 2010.

Web links