Horst Antes

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Sculpture in front of the entrance to Düsseldorf Central Station
Cephalopods in Hanover
Head with a small figure on top in Osnabrück , 1976

Horst Antes (born October 28, 1936 in Heppenheim ) is a German painter , graphic artist and sculptor .

life and work

Horst Antes studied painting with HAP Grieshaber at the Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe from 1957 to 1959 . Through Grieshaber, he belonged to a group of painters with independent profiles, such as Hans Baschang , Walter Stöhrer and Heinz Schanz . He has been professor of painting at the Karlsruhe Academy since 1967 and leads a painting class. In 1962 he stayed in Florence ( Villa Romana ), in 1963 in Rome ( Villa Massimo ), where the cephalopod was exhibited in three dimensions for the first time. In 1966 he designed metal sculptures for a garden of the seven monuments of earthly delights , which Antes exhibited in 1967 on the occasion of the Federal Garden Show for the Botanical Garden in Karlsruhe. In 1968 he received a visiting professorship at the University of Fine Arts (now the University of the Arts) in Berlin . Since 1983 he has been a member of the Free Academy of the Arts Hamburg .

Starting with informal post-war painting, Horst Antes was one of the first pioneers of representational painting to look for new possibilities in figurative painting, finding a model in Willem de Kooning , who combined informal and figurative elements. He is a co-founder of the new figurative painting in Germany . His cephalopods , created from 1962 onwards, are characteristic , in which suggestions from the kachina dolls of the Pueblo Indians played a role, which for a long time was his only motif. A cephalopod , a so-called "fictional figure", has no neck, little chest and stomach and head and feet seem to merge. Antes is also a collector himself. He brought together a large number of West African aklama figures in his collection.

As a member of the German Association of Artists , Horst Antes took part in fifteen major annual exhibitions between 1961 and 1992. He was a participant in documenta III (1964), the 4th documenta (1968), and also in documenta VI in 1977 in Kassel . From 1977 to 1979 Antes was a member of the DKB board. He lives and works in Karlsruhe- Wolfartsweier , where he lives in a studio house that was converted from a former storage shed in 1970 by the architect Heinz Mohl . He is also temporarily active in Berlin and in Castellina in Chianti in Italy .



Horst Antes: The Ring - The Eaters - The island on Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz in Düsseldorf.


“Place of the Heads” on the premises of the ZDF broadcasting center .
  • Blue Figure , 1962, Städelsches Kunstinstitut , Frankfurt am Main
  • Green Figure , 1963, oil on canvas, 130 × 90 cm, Sprengel Museum Hannover
  • Figure with a red ribbon , 1962/63, oil on canvas, 100 × 81.2 Neue Pinakothek (Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen), Munich
  • Third landscape painting , 1968, Aquatec on canvas, Museum Ludwig , Cologne
  • Gray figure in a box , 1969, Aquatec on canvas, 121 × 100 cm, Galerie Beyeler, Basel
  • Kopffüßler , 1977, consisting of ten figures: 1 “standing figure” (on the terrace of the courtyard building north of the chemistry), 2 “flying figure” (on the canteen terrace west), 3 “female and male figure” (in the entrance hall of the chemical Institutes), 4 "kneeling figure" (in the open-air area on Boltzmannstrasse), 5 "stool figure Embryo" (on the terrace of the library), 6 "walking figure" (at the main entrance to the chemical institutes) 7 "reclining figure - figure with ladder" (under the trees northeast of the cafeteria), 8 “Flying and falling figure” (on the cafeteria terrace), 9 “Interior” (in the entrance hall of the cafeteria), 10 “Figure group birth” (north of the cafeteria); Technical University of Munich , Garching campus , chemistry department and canteen
  • Square of Heads , 1982/83, ensembles, consisting of a gate and five heads, COR-TEN steel; Height: 4.2 m each, the installation took place in November 1983 on the ZDF broadcasting center .
  • Der Ring - Die Fresser - Die Insel , 1991, sculpture ensemble in stainless steel, Düsseldorf-Oberbilk


  • Reinhold Hohl : Sculpture in the 20th Century. Exhibition in Wenkenpark , Riehen / Basel. May 10 to September 14, 1980. Werner Druck AG, Basel 1980, ISBN 3-85979-011-0
  • Horst Antes, Wolfgang Haberland: Kachina figures of the Pueblo Indians of North America from the study collection Horst Antes , Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, 1980, ISBN 3-922608-01-9
  • Dietrich Mahlow: 100 years of metal sculpture . 2 volumes. Metallgesellschaft AG , Frankfurt 1981, ISSN  0369-2345
  • Dieter Honisch (Vorw.): 1945 1985. Art in the Federal Republic of Germany , (National Gallery, State Museums, Prussian Cultural Heritage, Berlin), Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-87584-158-1
  • Donald Burton Kuspit, Volker Huber: Horst Antes , Hatje Cantz, 2006, ISBN 978-3-77571766-3
  • Volker Volkens : Horst Antes. Catalog raisonné of paintings, Vol. 2, 1965 to 1968 . Swirdoff Künzelsau, 2017. ISBN 978-3-89929-177-3
  • Volker Volkens: Horst Antes. Catalog raisonné of paintings, Vol. 3, 1969 to 1971. Swiridoff Künzelsau, 2014. ISBN 978-3-89929-178-0
  • Arthur Mehlstäubler: Horst Antes. Catalog raisonné of paintings, Vol. 4, 1972 to 1975. Swiridoff Künzelsau, 2013. ISBN 978-3-89929-179-7
  • Arthur Mehlstäubler, Volker Volkens: Horst Antes. Catalog raisonné of paintings, Vol. 9, 1993 to 1996. Swiridoff Künzelsau, 2013. ISBN 978-3-89929-184-1
  • Volker Volkens: Horst Antes. Catalog raisonné of paintings, Vol. 10, 1997 to 2003. Swirdoff Künzelsau, 2015. ISBN 978-3-89929-185-8
  • Antes, Horst . In: Supreme Building Authority Munich (Hrsg.): Bildwerk Bauwerk Artwork - 30 years of art and state building in Bavaria . Bruckmann, Munich 1990, ISBN 3-7654-2308-4 , p. 154, 168-171 .

Web links

Commons : Horst Antes  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Horst Antes: The love of the original form. In: Zeit Online . Retrieved October 15, 2018 .
  2. ^ Board members of the German Association of Artists since 1951. German Association of Artists , accessed on February 11, 2019 .
  3. ^ The Atelierhaus Horst Antes in the Karlsruhe database of cultural monuments. (accessed April 19, 2016).
  4. ^ Exhibition in the Martin-Gropius-Bau: Horst Antes - more than the famous "cephalopod". In: Zeit Campus . June 13, 2013, accessed February 11, 2019 .
  5. The love of the original form (August 25, 2016)
  6. ^ Exhibition catalog Prisma '70 , 18th annual exhibition of the DKB in Bonn: Fig. 8 (Horst Antes: Gray figure in a box , p. 13)