Hessian Culture Prize

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The Hessian Culture Prize , which was created on the basis of a cabinet decision by the State Government of Hesse in June 1981, initially endowed with 60,000 German marks and currently endowed with 45,000 euros , has been awarded annually since 1982 for special achievements in art, science and cultural mediation.

List of award winners

The award ceremony 2009 has been postponed

The 2009 Culture Prize would go to Peter Steinacker , the former church president of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau, to Cardinal Karl Lehmann , the Catholic Bishop of Mainz, to Salomon Korn , the vice-president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, and to the oriental studies scholar Fuat Sezgin should be awarded. Fuat Sezgin decided not to accept the award in protest against Solomon Korn's stance in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Navid Kermani , an Islamic scholar, writer and journalist who lives in Cologne and is also a member of the German Islam Conference and the German Academy for Language and Poetry , was nominated for Sezgin .

Lehmann and Steinacker informed the Hessian Prime Minister Roland Koch that they could not accept the award together with Kermani, because in an article in the NZZ in March 2009 about the crucifixion by Guido Renis “fundamental and irreconcilable attacks on the cross as a central symbol of the Christian Faith ”. As a result, the Hessian Prime Minister Roland Koch brought about the decision to withdraw the award from Kermani, which he initially only learned from journalists. Finally, the Hessian state government postponed the award ceremony to autumn of the same year.

Among other things, Martin Mosebach accused Lehmann of bad style of preventing Kermani from being awarded the prize by writing to Koch without really dealing with Kermani's statements. In his text, Kermani steps "from an initial insult to an homage to the cross". In a statement, Lehmann stated that, on the one hand, he had dealt with Kermani's text, contrary to the criticism, and that, on the other hand, he had neither "even insinuated, let alone expected or even warned" the prevention of the award of the award to Navid Kermani.

Ultimately, after a conversation with Kermani, Lehmann and Steinacker decided to jointly accept the prize, which was finally awarded to the four winners on November 26, 2009. Prime Minister Koch apologized to Kermani. Kermani donated his share of the prize money for social projects to the Catholic parish of St. Theodor in Cologne-Vingst.

Web links


  1. Hessian Culture Prize for EZB: Architect Wolf Prix receives Hessian Culture Prize. (dpa) Frankfurter Rundschau - Frankfurt / Rhein-Main, from September 30, 2013: accessed on October 1, 2013.
  2. Hessian Culture Prize 2014 to Peter Härtling , in the Börsenblatt , online on October 10 at boersenblatt.net
  3. Hessian Culture Prize 2016 goes to Tamar Halperin and Andreas Scholl. Press office of the Hessian State Chancellery, October 10, 2016.
  4. Culture Prize for Saarbrücker Architect-Duo In: Saarbrücker Zeitung , July 19, 2019, accessed on July 25, 2019.
  5. ^ Hessian State Prize: About Cross. In: tagesspiegel.de. Retrieved December 12, 2014 .
  6. By Navid Kermani: http://www.nzz.ch/nachrichten/kultur/literatur_und_kunst/warum-hast-du-uns-verlassen--guido-renis-kreuzigung-1.2195409. In: nzz.ch. March 14, 2009, accessed December 12, 2014 .
  7. ^ Hessian Culture Prize: Discount for Kermani - Themes - FAZ
  8. https://www.faz.net/aktuell/rhein-main/kultur/schriftsteller-kermani-kulturpreis-verleihung-auf-herbst-verschoben-1796255.html
  9. Lammert: Case Kermani a state boss. In: FAZ.net . May 15, 2009, accessed December 12, 2014 .
  10. Ralf Euler and Stefan Toepfer, Wiesbaden: Koch apologizes to Kermani. In: FAZ.net . November 27, 2009, accessed December 12, 2014 .
  11. domradio.de ( Memento from July 29, 2012 in the web archive archive.today )