Amenhotep (Mayor of Memphis)

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Head of the sarcophagus by Amenhotep Huy

Amenhotep ( Amenophis ), called Huy , was a " Mayor of Memphis " under King ( Pharaoh ) Ramses II and thus one of the most important personalities of this time.

It is best known for its two sarcophagi , which were reused in the Third Intermediate Period and are among the most impressive private monuments of that time, a pyramidion and shabtis , which were found in the Serapeum. He seems to have been in office in the middle of the reign of Ramses II, as a certain ptahmose held the office of "Mayor of Memphis" at the beginning of the reign of Ramses II. His grave has not yet been located, but the re-use of the sarcophagi shows that it was looted early on.

His titles were among other things "Grand Mayor in Hutkaptah", "Mayor in the city of Ptah", "True popular king writer" and "Caretaker in the temple of the prince".


  • Karol Myśliwiec : Two Pyramidia of the XIX. Memphis dynasty. In: Studies on Ancient Egyptian Culture. Vol. 6, 1978, ISSN  0340-2215 , pp. 139-155, especially p. 153.