Mayor of Memphis

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Mayor of Memphis in hieroglyphics
N35 mn
nfr O24

Ḥ ˁ-n-Mn-nfr
Mayor of Memphis

The Mayor of Memphis was one of the most important local officials in the ancient Egyptian New Kingdom . Memphis was again the administrative seat of Egypt since the 18th dynasty and thus one of the most important cities in the country.

Since the New Kingdom one of the main tasks of the mayor has also been the management of the surrounding Gau Inbu-hedj .

The following list is sure to have numerous loopholes. The title “ Mayor of Memphis ” appears in different variations and it is not certain whether this reflects different functions of the public officials, or whether these are just playful variations.

New kingdom

Surname Dating Remarks
Humes Thutmose III.
Mencheper Has been buried in Thebes.
Kenamun Amenhotep II
Heby Amenhotep III He was the father of the vizier Ramose and the " chief asset manager in Memphis " Amenhotep .
Examine Akhenaten
Sakeh Tutankhamun - haremhab
Neferhotep Seti I.
Ptahmosis Ramses ii
Amenhotep Ramses ii
Ramsesemhab calls himself " Great Mayor of Memphis "
