Rampage in Hyvinkää

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The rampage in Hyvinkää was a rampage in the Finnish city of Hyvinkää on May 27, 2012.

Course of action

The rampage took place on the night of May 27, 2012 at around 2 am. After a night of partying in his local pub , an 18-year-old had a camouflage uniform and two rifles, a hunting rifle with him, and had returned to the pub with them and climbed onto the roof of the house. From the roof of the house he shot people passing by. The perpetrator chose his victims at random . He killed two people and injured another seven people, including a policewoman. The weapons were left at the scene when the perpetrator fled on foot when the police arrived. The morning after the crime, 0.2 per mille of alcohol could still be detected in the perpetrator's blood. During the interrogation by the police, the perpetrator showed remorse, but could not name any motive for the act.


The perpetrator acquired his shooting technique at airsoft competitions and at the shooting range. Even before the crime, he had posted a comment on his Facebook profile on his mobile phone : "That was fun, comrades."


The Finnish Interior Minister Päivi Räsänen wants to initiate a tightening of the gun law because her children knew some of the perpetrator's victims personally.

Individual evidence

  1. a b http://yle.fi/uutiset/hyvinkaa_gunman_may_have_been_intoxicated/6144355
  2. http://www.n-tv.de/panorama/18-Jaehriger-toetete-zufaellig-article6361806.html
  3. FAZ.NET with dpa: Eighteen-year-old shoots at night owls. In: FAZ.net . May 26, 2012, accessed October 13, 2018 .
  4. http://www.stern.de/panorama/amoklauf-in-finnland-mann-erschiesst-zwei-teenager-aus-dem-hinterhalt-1832647.html
  5. a b c d http://www.rp-online.de/panorama/ausland/heckenschuetze-kann-tat-nicht-erklaeren-1.2847655