Amphitheater (Fidenae)

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The amphitheater of Fidenae was built in the small town of Fidenae (also Fidena) near Rome in the year 27 and collapsed immediately after its construction.

According to Tacitus , the only more detailed extant source, the freedman Atilius built an amphitheater in Fidenae for gladiator fights , which he hoped would be very profitable. However, he saved on the construction, especially the foundations and the connection of the wooden beams. When the amphitheater filled with a crowd, especially from Rome, the wooden stand construction collapsed and buried the audience under itself. Allegedly 50,000 (Tacitus) or more than 20,000 ( Suetonius ) people died. Emperor Tiberius returned from Capri to the mainland to participate in the relief efforts. The Senate decreed that in future only people with a knight census were allowed to build amphitheaters and had to pay attention to the solidity of the building site. Atilius had to go into exile as punishment for his negligence in building the amphitheater.
