Office Dömitz

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Office Dömitz in the district of Ludwigslust

In the Dömitz office in the former Ludwigslust district in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , based in the town of the same name , the seven municipalities of Dömitz , Heidhof, Polz, Rüterberg ("Village Republic" 1961-1989), Tewswoos , Vielank and Woosmer had been united to handle their administrative business.

The name of the community Rüterberg ("village republic" 1961-1989) was renamed on July 1, 2001 in Rüterberg ("village republic" 1967-1989) and on October 21, 2002 in Rüterberg.

On June 13, 2004, the previously independent towns of Heidhof, Polz and Rüterberg were incorporated into the town of Dömitz, Tewswoos and Woosmer were incorporated into Vielank.

On the same day, the Dömitz office was dissolved and the communities, together with the municipalities of the Malliss office , which was also dissolved, were incorporated into the new Dömitz-Malliss office.