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The Anakreonteia (᾿Ανακρεόντεια, Latin Anacreontea ) is an anonymous collection of Greek poems about love, wine, beautiful youths, Aphrodite, erots, Graces, Dionysus and spring from the 1st century BC. Until 5./6. Century AD, compiled under the name of the Greek poet Anakreon .

The collection contains about 60 poems, including some Byzantine poets. They come from different eras, but are based on Anakreon in terms of style and topic.

The only manuscript, the Anthologia Palatina (Palatinus gr. 23 from the 10th century), was discovered in the middle of the 16th century and copied by H. Stephanus . This copy is in Leiden today. Stephen used it as a basis for his editio princeps of 1554. For a long time it was the authoritative edition and contained selected odes in Latin translation. The next edition was arranged by H. Preisendanz in 1912. Today there are translations and revisions into many languages ​​that make up the literary genre of anacreontics . Eduard Mörike (Stuttgart 1864) wrote a German translation , which was reprinted in 1960.


  • Silvio Bear; Manuel Baumbach; Nicola Dümmler; Horst Sitta; Fabian Zogg: Carmina Anacreontea. Greek / German , Stuttgart: Reclam 2014.
  • Manfred Landfester (Hrsg.): History of the ancient texts. Work dictionary. Series Der Neue Pauly , Supplements 2. Stuttgart 2007.