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Sussex in Anglo-Saxon times

Andhun (also Aldhun ; † before 686) was ruler of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Sussex in the 680s .


Around 682, Caedwalla , an exiled member of the Wessex royal family , attacked Sussex with his army. King Æthelwalh fell during the fighting and Sussex was sacked. The fight against the conquerors from Wessex then continued Æthelwalh's successors, the Ealdormen Berthun and Andhun. They were initially able to drive Caedwalla out and together ruled over Sussex. Presumably Andhun ruled East Sussex while Berthun ruled West Sussex. Andhun's further life is unknown.



  • Lapidge et al. (Ed.): The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England . Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford et al. a. 2001, ISBN 978-0-6312-2492-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Simon Keynes: Kings of the South Saxons . In: Lapidge et al. (Ed.): The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England . Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford et al. a. 2001, ISBN 978-0-6312-2492-1 , pp. 509-510.
  2. Beda: HE 4.15
  3. John Cannon, Anne Hargreaves: The Kings and Queens of Britain , Oxford University Press, 2009 (2nd revised edition), ISBN 978-0-19-955922-0 , p. 23.
predecessor Office successor
Æthelwalh Ruler of Sussex
682? - before 686
shared with Berthun