Andronikos III. (Trebizond)

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Andronikos III. Komnenos (* around 1310; † 1332 ) was Emperor and Grand Comnene of Trebizond from 1330 to 1332 .


Andronikos was born as the eldest of four sons of the Trapezuntian emperor Alexios II and his wife, the Iberian noblewoman Djiadjak .

When his father died in 1330, Andronikos ascended the throne of Trebizond. Immediately after taking over the rule, he turned against his male relatives from the Komnenen family, who were still alive and who he probably saw as possible rivals. While he had two of his three younger brothers, Michael and Georg, murdered in 1330, the third brother, the later Emperor Basilius , managed to flee to Constantinople . His uncle Michael , who later also ascended the throne of Trebizond, evaded Andronikos' stalking by going into exile there as well.

Andronikos died in 1332. His son Manuel II , who was only eight years old at the time, succeeded him on the throne, although he was unable to maintain power for long against his relatives who had fled into exile.

The tyranny of Andronikos shook the population of Trapezunts and split them into several factions. It marks the beginning of a period of instability which, after long internal turmoil and civil wars, did not occur until 1349 with the accession to the throne of Alexius III. found its end.


  • Alexios G. Savvides, Benjamin Hendrickx (Eds.): Encyclopaedic Prosopographical Lexicon of Byzantine History and Civilization . Vol. 1: Aaron - Azarethes . Brepols Publishers, Turnhout 2007, ISBN 978-2-503-52303-3 , p. 247.
predecessor Office successor
Alexios II Emperor of Trebizond
Manuel II