Anette Grünewald

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Anette Grünewald (* 1966 ) is a German lawyer and professor at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena .


Grünewald began studying law and philosophy at the University of Freiburg , which she continued at the University of Hamburg . She completed her legal studies in 1993 with the first state examination in law in Hamburg. In 1996, after her legal clerkship, she also obtained her second exam there. Subsequently she worked at the Hamburg Institute for Criminal Sciences as a research assistant for Kurt Seelmann . In 1999 she completed her doctorate as Dr. jur. after which she worked as Reinhard Merkel 's research assistant . Ten years after her doctorate, she completed her habilitation, also in Hamburg, and received the venia legendi for the subjects of criminal law, criminal procedural law, European criminal law and legal philosophy.

Several professorships followed, including at the universities of Münster , Bonn , Heidelberg and Frankfurt am Main . From 2013 to 2018 she was a full professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin . Since February 1, 2018, Grünewald has been teaching at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena at the full chair for criminal law, criminal procedure law, medical criminal law and legal philosophy.

Anette Grünewald was, among other things, a member of the expert group set up by the Federal Ministry of Justice to reform homicides . She teaches and researches general criminal law dogmatics, general and in particular criminal law philosophy and legal history, medical criminal law and European criminal law.

Publications (selection)

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