Pastoral Commission

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The Pastoral Provision is a pastoral care organization of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States that has existed since 1980 . It permits the establishment of personal parishes of Anglican customs under the direction of priests who have converted to the Catholic Church from the Episcopal Church in the USA and have been ordained therein.


Parishes with the "Anglican use" exist u. a. in the states of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas. The congregations initially celebrated the liturgy according to the Anglican Book of Divine Worship approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship of the Holy See . At the beginning of the church year , on the first Sunday in Advent 2015, the missal Divine Worship: The Missal applies to the congregations of all three staff ordinariates ; The associated ritual Divine Worship - Occasional Services had already been approved beforehand .

The institution is under the supervision of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith . As a church delegate, Bishop Kevin Vann von Orange is responsible for the application of the pastoral commission , with Quan D. Tran as secretary.

Since 1983, over 70 Catholic priests with Anglican backgrounds have been ordained in the United States , but there are only seven parishes with Anglican use .

The pastoral commission did not apply outside the United States . However, the acceptance of former Anglican priests into the Roman Catholic Church is not unusual in other dioceses in the English-speaking area. The corporate affiliation of Anglican parishes to the Catholic Church, however, was rejected for a long time by Canadian, British and some American bishops.

Pope Benedict XVI created a general and worldwide regulation for the joint admission of former Anglicans into the Roman Catholic Church . with the Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus of November 9, 2009. In accordance with the norms of Anglicanorum coetibus , the staff ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham for the United Kingdom on January 15, 2011, the Kathedra Petri staff ordinariate for the United States on January 1, 2012 and on On June 15, 2012, the Personal Ordinary of Our Lady of the Southern Cross was established for Australia .

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