Anglicanorum coetibus

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The Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus ( dt : Groups of Anglicans ) is a letter from Pope Benedict XVI published by the Holy See on November 9, 2009 in Latin , English and Italian . which regulates the establishment of personal ordinariates for Anglicans converting to the Catholic Church . At the same time, 14 articles were published containing supplementary norms on the constitution. The documents replace the pastoral commission that has existed in the USA since 1980 .


The constitution is divided into a part containing the reasons for its enactment and a part containing the norms that are to apply to the Anglican personal ordinariate. This part consists of 13 points.

Basic norms

Chapter I contains provisions for the establishment of Catholic personal ordinariates for those Anglicans who wish to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church. The ordinariates subordinate to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith appear alongside the existing but territorially circumscribed Roman Catholic dioceses . So you are not part of a diocese, but legally independent particular churches. One or more ordinariates can be established in each area of ​​an episcopal conference . The ordinariats have legal personality and their constitution is comparable to that of an ordinary diocese.

Each ordinariate consists of the lay people, clergymen and members of the orders and societies of apostolic life who have so far belonged to the Anglican Community and who now want to be in full communion with the Catholic Church, as well as those who, within these ordinariats, carry out the sacraments of initiation (i.e. baptism, confirmation and communion ) have received.

The basis for admission is the profession of faith as described in the Catechism of the Catholic Church .

church service

Ordinariats can use their own liturgical books from the Anglican tradition, which have been approved by the Holy See, and celebrate the Eucharist, the other sacraments and the Liturgy of the Hours after them . The celebration of the Roman rite is not excluded (Section III AC).

Head of the professorships

The ordinariates are run in accordance with the provisions of the Catholic Church Law and the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus and are subordinate to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the other Roman Congregations according to their areas of competence (Section II).

Each ordinariate is headed by an ordinarius appointed by the Pope as the responsible pastor. This must be a bishop or priest and has proper jurisdiction, which he exercises on behalf of the Pope ( vicarious ) and which is limited to the respective members of the ordinariate. If necessary, he exercises his authority together with the diocesan bishop, on whose territory his ordinariate extends. He is a member of the respective bishops' conference and is subject to their instructions (Article 2 of the Supplementary Norms).

The Ordinary is supported in his leadership role by a Governing Council , whose statutes are put into effect by the Ordinary with the approval of Rome. The Governing Council meets under the chairmanship of the Ordinary and consists of at least six priests. It exercises the powers of the council of priests and the college of diocesan consultors provided for in ecclesiastical law . This means that in the event of a vacancy , the Governing Council heads the ordinariate or elects an administrator to head the ordinariate for the time of the vacancy. In addition, it takes part in the appointment of a new full professor insofar as it sends the Apostolic See a list of three ( Terna ) of candidates (Art. 4 § 1 of the Supplementary Norms).

Provisions Regarding the Clergy

Access to holy orders

All Anglican deacons , priests, and bishops who are not subject to legal irregularities or other impediments may be admitted as candidates by the Ordinary to receive ordinations .

In the case of the ordination of former Anglican clergy who are already married, the norms laid down in the letter Sacerdotalis Caelibatus and the Declaration In June (Declaration of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of April 1, 1981) apply . If other married men are to be ordained a priest, the Ordinary must submit a corresponding application to the Apostolic See (Art. 6 § 1 of the Supplementary Norms). The episcopal ordination of married persons is excluded.

Unmarried candidates must make the promise of celibacy (Section VI § 1 AC).

Former Roman Catholic clerics who have converted to the Anglican Church are not allowed to perform clerical services in the ordinariate (Art. 6 § 2 of the Supplementary Norms).

Other rights and obligations

Ordinary priests have all the rights that an ordinary diocesan priest has. He is incardinated in the ordinariate and is thus entitled to appropriate care, which the ordinarius has to ensure (Art. 7 § 1 of the Supplementary Norms).

Ordinary priests can be elected to the diocesan council of priests, priests and deacons can also belong to the diocesan pastoral council (Art. 8 of the Supplementary Norms).

If pastoral care requires it, the clergy of the ordinariate should also help out in the pastoral care of the diocese. In this case they are subordinate to the respective diocesan bishop.

Former Anglican bishops

Married former Anglican bishops may be appointed ordinaries. In this case he is ordained a priest and can exercise full jurisdiction over the ordinariate (Art. 11 § 1 of the Supplementary Norms).

Former Anglican Bishops who have joined an Ordinary may be called to assist the Ordinary in administering the Ordinary. You are also invited to attend the meetings of the respective bishops' conference with the status of bishop emeritus. You can also ask the Apostolic See for permission to use the episcopal insignia .

Competencies of the professor

With the consent of the Apostolic See, the Ordinary, like any diocesan bishop, can establish religious institutes and communities of apostolic life. Institutes and communities which transgress from the Anglican Church can be placed under its jurisdiction.

Furthermore, after having heard the diocesan bishop, the Ordinary, with the consent of the Apostolic See, can establish personal parishes.

Like every bishop of a diocese, the Ordinary has the duty to come to Rome for an ad limina visit every five years .


The competent court is the diocesan court in which the two parties to the dispute reside, unless the ordinariate has set up its own court. In this case a court of second instance is to be appointed by the ordinary; the appointment is to be approved by the Apostolic See.

Transfer to a staff ordinariate

The transfer from the Anglican Community to a staff ordinariate must be documented by a written declaration (Section IX. AC).


According to the norms of Anglicanorum coetibus , on January 15, 2011, the staff ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham for Great Britain , on 1 January 2012 the staff ordinariate Kathedra Petri for the USA and on 15 June 2012 the staff ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross for Australia erected.

On March 19, 2019, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued additional norms for Anglicanorum coetibus .

Web links


  1. Devin Watkins: Pope approves updated norms for former Anglicans / Episcopalians , April 9, 2019.