Trailer compressed air generator

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THW helper with trailer for compressed air generator and associated hammer drill

The trailer compressed air generator , also called trailer compressed air generation (Appendix DLE), is a vehicle of the Technical Relief Organization (THW). It is used to generate compressed air for the operation of pneumatically driven drilling and breaking tools.


The trailer for compressed air generation generates up to 4 cubic meters of compressed air at a pressure of 8 bar per minute. The trailer is built as a 1-axle trailer, the unit is soundproof and has two outlets.

Intended use

The tools, driven by the compressed air generator, enable the penetration of rubble and walls, help with preparation for blasting and can be used for infrastructural tasks by other specialist groups.

After the strength and equipment verification of the THW, the appendix DLE is provided in the specialist group rooms , type A, as well as supplementary equipment in the specialist group blasting .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. THW: Trailer compressed air generator (vehicle list)
  2. ↑ Proof of strength and equipment from the Federal Agency for Technical Relief

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