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Anhurmose was a high ancient Egyptian official who lived and served under Ramses II and Merenptah . He is best known for his decorated grave at El Mashayich ( Lepidotonpolis ) (near Girga ).

There is a long biographical inscription in his grave, which can be used to reconstruct his career. Anhurmose began his career in the military and reports that he served on a ship, although it is uncertain what exactly he was doing there. He boasts that he sat in school and didn't fidget. He then served in the army and followed the king on various campaigns. He was a scribe for the army and charioteer and was made a friend by the ruler , which made him one of the closest royal circles. It is not known exactly under which ruler this happened. In the tomb of Anhurmose only King Merenptah is mentioned, but he only ruled for about 10 years. However, the military career may have taken place under Ramses II, the predecessor of Merenptah. At the end of his career, Anhurmose was chosen as high priest of the Maat , by Schu . It is not known what this means exactly, perhaps the king chose him. Anhurmose was also high priest of Onuris , as various inscriptions in the tomb attest.

In the tomb of Anhurmose, two wives, Tawerethetepted and Sechemetnefert, are named. His father was the scribe of the recruits of the Lord of the Two Countries Pennub. His mother was a certain Iyemweni. Two sons are known by name: Hui and Pennub.


  • Boyo G. Ockinga, Yahya al Masri: Two Ramesside Tombs at El Mashayikh. Ancient History Documentary Research Center - Macquarie University, Sydney 1988, ISBN 0-85837-632-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. Boyo G. Ockinga, Yahya al Masri: Two Ramesside Tombs at El Mashayikh. Sydney 1988, p. 32.
  2. Boyo G. Ockinga, Yahya al Masri: Two Ramesside Tombs at El Mashayikh. Sydney 1988, p. 14.
  3. Boyo G. Ockinga, Yahya al Masri: Two Ramesside Tombs at El Mashayikh. Sydney 1988, p. 15.
  4. Boyo G. Ockinga, Yahya al Masri: Two Ramesside Tombs at El Mashayikh. Sydney 1988, pp. 12-13.