Plant security

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In the plant safety it comes to harmful effects in particular processing plants to humans, the environment and property be avoided. At the same time, it helps to achieve production targets in terms of quality, time and quantity. Plant safety is based on the process concept as well as accompanying technical and organizational measures.

There is no single law or standard to achieve plant safety. Rather, an operator has to fulfill a large number of obligations resulting from the Federal Immission Control Act , the Water Management Act , the Waste Act , the Environmental Impact Assessment , the Environmental Liability Act , the Chemicals Act , the Industrial Safety Ordinance , the accident prevention regulations, etc.

Plant safety arises from maintaining the following aspects:

  • Hazard potential of the chemical and biological substances used and produced,
  • suitable, integrated safety technology,
  • careful design of the interfaces between material and technology,
  • a continuous safety assessment of systems,
  • suitable organization and leadership,
  • careful selection (risk of terrorism) and ongoing qualification of employees,
  • Consideration of the interaction of the system with the surroundings and the environment as well
  • Compliance with laws and guidelines.

Plant safety can be checked in practice either using real plants or using special test environments.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Uhlmann, Gerd: Plant safety . In: Landau, Kurt (Hrsg.): Lexicon of work design: Best practice in the work process. Stuttgart: Genter, 2007, ISBN 978-3-87247-655-5 , pp. 55-58.
  2. Olof Leps: Hybrid test environments in information security: Efficient security analyzes for industrial plants . In: Hybrid test environments for critical infrastructures . Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2018, ISBN 978-3-658-22613-8 , pp. 41–68 , doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-658-22614-5_4 ( [accessed December 30, 2018]).