Anonymous debtors

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The Debtors Anonymous ( English Debtors Anonymous , DA ) are a self-help organization for people who are in financial difficulties. The Debtors Anonymous practice a twelve-step program .

According to the company, around 500 weekly DA meetings took place in around 15 countries in 2017.

DA guides people to carefully write down and monitor finances, including purchases, income, and debt repayment installments, to get a clear picture of habits. With the help of this information, money management practices will be developed in order to have a higher quality of life while continuing to pay off debts. DA also recommends developing plans with the aim of increasing income for the future.


In 1968, some Alcoholics Anonymous started an organization called Penny Pinchers, which they later renamed Capital Builders, believing that the financial troubles they were experiencing were caused by behavior equivalent to an addictive disorder such as alcohol addiction. The founding members believed their financial problems came from the inability to be frugal with money, and they began making daily deposits into their savings accounts. However, they later realized that their problems are not due to inability to save, but by inability solvent to stay caused.

By early 1971, group members believed that the essence of their illness was getting into uncovered debt, and they took a rigorous approach, under the Twelve-Step Program , to stop getting into uncovered debt. The original group broke up and there were no more meetings until 1976. Then a group of two or three began to meet regularly at the meetinghouse of St. Stephen's Church in New York City. Within a year a second group formed and the self-help organization grew bigger and bigger. The first general service conference was held in 1987 in the auditorium of Saint Vincent's Catholic Medical Center, a Manhattan hospital. In 512 there were 512 groups worldwide.

They conscientiously adopted the Alcoholics Anonymous format and only made five changes: "DA" and "Debtors Anonymous" instead of "AA" and "Alcoholics Anonymous", "Debt" instead of "Alcohol", "Compulsive debtors" instead of "Alcoholics", "Run uncovered debts" instead of "drinking", and "debtors" instead of "alcoholics". In 2002 they published the "12 Traditions" corresponding to the "12 Traditions" of Alcoholics Anonymous. Included in the DA's original literature are the Twelve Tools of Debtors Anonymous, a list of practices to get away from obsessive debt.


DA is basically an organization that wants to help to cure "compulsive debt". “Obsessively getting into debt” is a neologism , the DA; in the literature of the DA it is described as a mental illness, as a progressive illness. and as an addiction. Thus, compulsive debt cannot be cured, it can only be brought to a standstill. Obsessive-compulsive debtors cannot control their debts, as a result, the debt creates continued and growing problems in their lives. Obsessive debt accumulation is also a generic term for many dysfunctional behaviors such as “ shopping addiction ”, incurring uncovered debts, thinking in terms of size self or delusion towards the mentality of being robbed.

Members must decide for themselves whether or not they are Compulsive Debtors. To help with this decision, the DA has a questionnaire with 15 questions. and a list of 12 traits for obsessive-compulsive debt. An ethnographic study found that DA members attribute the causes of their obsessive debt to a culture that constantly pushes people to spend money and to the fact that their own family is a dysfunctional family.

In addition, DA members often identify as compulsive financiers , or as shopping addicts , co-dependent, or under- earners . Compulsive spending is a symptom that is associated with obsessive debt. Spending money to your own detriment is compulsive spending. Spending money on certain goods or services while choosing not to or having a desire not to do so is also compulsive spending. Compulsive spending is often done to avoid uncomfortable feelings.

If three or more of the 15 questions are answered with “yes”, this indicates that there is compulsive debt. While compulsive financiers may not be currently in debt, if they want to avoid uncovered debt, they are welcome to the DA. Co-dependents run up uncovered debt to fund compulsive spending for another person.

Under-earners are people who, while having significant knowledge and skills, are unable to earn enough money to support themselves without running up uncovered debts. DA has a list of 12 traits that indicate compulsive under-earning. Under-earning can lead to obsessively poor behavior . This expression describes people who are always scarce and in need of money. A related expression is "financial anorexia" and describes "someone who takes great pride in getting by on little money and feels comfortable living in deprivation". While compulsive under-earners are not necessarily currently in debt, if they want to avoid uncovered debt, they are welcome to the DA.

In the current DSM-IV of the American Psychiatric Association indebtedness is not listed as a disease, and there are for matters that have to do with spending money, no special chapter. However, there is a category for “Impulse control disorders not specified” to diagnose problems with impulse control disorders that are not yet in the manual. Among other things, this category is used for compulsive buying, a disorder similar to compulsive debt-getting, which may be in the next DSM ( DSM-5 ).


The phrase “terminal vagueness” describes a characteristic of compulsive debtors: systematic avoidance of overseeing finances, including communication with creditors - which leads to an over or underestimation of the account balance.

An overestimation can lead to uncovered debt. “Clarity” is the opposite of fuzziness. This requires a clear picture of how much money you have and how much you owe, at all times. The DA also encourage “awareness” that going into debt and “ overspending ” - excessive spending - are so widely culturally accepted. The DA suggest to be very vigilant against manipulative advertising as well as thoughts and feelings that trigger the desire to spend money.

Constantly thinking about debt can lead to both "emotional indebtedness" and "self-debting" ("indebted to yourself"?). Self-debting is the inability to meet personal needs, while emotional debt is the associated stress, fear, hopelessness or even thoughts of suicide. Self-debting manifests itself in a number of ways, such as taking drastic measures to hide problems, paying off debts so much that you are unable to meet your subsistence level, or even spending an inordinate amount of time managing your finances.

“Abstinence” in the DA means that one refrains from running up any new uncovered debts. This is a strict definition and includes: not paying bills when they are due, borrowing money from a family member or friend with no credit protection , credit card debt, and other unsecured loans.

If a member has no uncovered debt for a day , then he or she is solvent "solvent" for that day. Solvency in this sense is a neologism that deviates from the usual definition of solvency - the degree to which assets exceed liabilities.

Behind much of the DA's program is the belief in a universe of abundance. Competition, competition is something you learn, but you don't fear, because there is enough for everyone. This contradicts the lack of thinking that is associated with obsessive debt , excessive spending , and under- earning.

Debtor Anonymous members are often confused or vague about their goals in life. Therefore, DA encourages its members to develop “vision”, the ability to imagine a clear and accurate picture of what they want in life. Visions are found by abstaining from entering into uncovered debts by following the Twelve Steps and using the Twelve Tools. Ignoring your vision is like “self-debting,” it can lead to physical or mental stress, or to being overly focused on the lives of others instead of yourself.

Recording and planning

Expense notes and expense plans

“Keeping Numbers” is a daily practice which consists of noting every penny owed, spent, or earned. to record every part that is paid, including every debt. The members use different methods for this. A simple approach is to carry a small notebook and write down the numbers in it daily. The daily notes are used to keep monthly records of income and expenses separated into specific categories (e.g. rent, groceries, phone, entertainment, etc.). The purpose of the record is to increase clarity and eliminate any denial of money made and spent. A detailed expense list shows values ​​and habits as well as responsibilities.

Expenditure plans are made using the expenditure notes. A spending plan is basically a list of all the goods and services that are purchased in a given month. Members regularly revise their spending plans and determine whether the items and amounts in the plan make sense. In the spending plan, the member's needs precede those of the creditors. They are not intended to cause new bad debt to be entered into. Spending plans should include categories for income and debt repayment. There should also be an item for saving, except for people where it is not enough for the subsistence level.

In addition to the real expenditure plan, there is the "ideal" expenditure plan. It shows what finances would look like in an ideal universe, how much money would be made and how it would be spent. The ideal spending plan focuses on the pursuit of increasing income and following the vision for the future. In the DA, the word “budget” is avoided because the term can mean rigid categories . An expense plan is such that one has the best possible life possible under the current financial circumstances. Spending plans are flexible and convey that you decide how to use your money.

Action plans

At the DA - after a few weeks of participation - one is encouraged to "pressure relief meetings". In these meetings, a newer member invites two older members - with at least 90 days of abstinence, typically a man and a woman - to review his or her financial notes in detail and offer practical advice. These discharge meetings take place outside of the regular meetings, and this is where members get suggestions from others. The member organizing the discharge meeting typically brings his or her expense notes and a list of matters that they would like help with.

Typically “action plans” are developed during the discharge meetings. They are based on the suggestions of the other members. A spending plan could also be developed or modified. Action plans are lists of certain actions in the sense of action theory in philosophy which should reduce debt and improve the financial situation.

The discharge meeting usually takes place once a month. However, in times of crisis they can be held more often.

Debt repayment plans

The fourth step of the Twelve Steps of the DA includes not only a moral inventory of personal characteristics and resources, but also an inventory of the previous course of private financial planning including a list of all currently outstanding debts. Accordingly, the ninth step includes the repayment of the monetary debt. However, following the language of the Ninth Step, the payment schedule should not harm the debtor or creditor. The goal is not just to repay to the creditors, but: to repay the creditors and live well at the same time. DA members have found that when they take care of themselves, their ability to pay their creditors improves. Payments to creditors should be uniform and such that they are easy to handle. In this spirit, whenever possible, a certain amount of money is reserved for debt repayment every month.

One can begin the debt repayment plan by categorizing the debts as covered and unsecured, with the name of the creditor, the total amount while the amount is being paid off, and the current monthly rate. For each debt, the current balance is shown, as well as interest and fees per month, the minimum possible payment per month, and an empty column for the “actual” payment. The amount of the actual payment results from the expenditure plan, after deducting the most necessary expenditure and also deducting the expenditure that is necessary for an adequate quality of life.

This amount is then divided among the creditors. Ideally, the payment to each creditor will be split proportionally to the total liability to that creditor. Creditors who take action against the debtor more often than others are still not given preferential treatment. However, one can prefer creditors who collect higher interest rates, or those who are friends or family members, or those who are threatened with legal action ( e.g. dunning proceedings or lawsuit ).

DA recommends that you record each payment to creditors, including the original debt, the date of payment, the amount, and the remaining debt. It is also advised to also record debts that have been finally repaid, for each debt with the date on which it was finally paid off.

Although this can be contrary to social standards or norms , the Debtors Anonymous recommend a debt moratorium as soon as a debtor cannot pay his debts and at the same time cover his subsistence level.

The Debtors Anonymous suggest talking to the sponsor or in the discharge meeting about it or negotiating with the creditors before a debt moratorium . If a creditor threatens to take legal action, Debtors Anonymous recommend seeking professional help or revising the moratorium.


The sociologist Terell A. Hayes did intensive research on the mechanisms within the Anonymous Schulder.

Between July 1993 and June 1995 it obtained a sample of 46 members. An analysis of the data collected by him showed that individual reasons prevent a greater acceptance of the ideology of the DA, in particular labeling, differences within the group as well as the intergroup, unclear position regarding insolvency and debts and contradicting views about which literature groups the Debtors Anonymous should be used.


Hayes applied quantitative social research methods to the research results in order to understand how the labeling perspective can be applied to the social stigma of over-indebtedness. Hayes researched the process by which members identify as Compulsive Debt Makers and seek help from Debtors Anonymous. This process included labeling by others (social labeling), and by the members themselves (self-labeling) as people who have a problem with money.

Social labeling and self-labeling resulted in self- awareness . For the most part, this process generally led the surveyed members to seek help from Debtors Anonymous and to develop as they participated. Hayes distinguished three levels of self-awareness. The first two, vague self-awareness and increased self-awareness, correspond to the pre-contemplative and contemplative levels in the transtheoretical model . The most advanced level of the three levels, focused self-awareness, is characterized by an awakening at which the member began to perceive and think about the true extent of their problem.

The levels of self-awareness correspond to three levels of acceptance of the labels by the DA. Hayes described superficial acceptance as a way of mimicking others without internalizing the label as part of identity . Superficial acceptance goes hand in hand with vague or heightened self-awareness. Thorough acceptance, on the other hand, occurs when a member genuinely believes that a Debtor Anonymous label accurately describes what he or she really is and implies the assumption of social identity . Those with Thorough Acceptance are most likely to strictly follow the Debtors Anonymous ideology. The third level, tailored acceptance, reflects even more of an investment in personal identity rather than social identity, replacing a group-derived label with a more personal label. Sometimes people, even when they think they have no money problem, seek help from the DA, especially when they think they have no other choice.

The stigmatization of indebtedness goes hand in hand with the experience of shame among the indebted. Hence, if a person is labeled as having a debt problem, they should feel ashamed. Hayes also found that labeling is a widespread practice among support groups following the twelve-step program .

For example, the first step is to admit that you are “powerless” over debt. At the beginning of the meeting, members often introduce themselves by their first names and with the problem that brought them to Debtors Anonymous. In women more than in men, these admissions, even if not consciously noticed, can cause shame to appear. Women - more than men - discuss their problems with others, creating opportunities to be labeled. Women are also ashamed - more than men - by self-labeling. However, women are less likely than men to be coerced into treatment.

Law professor A. Michele Dickerson has suggested that something like Debtors Anonymous can be a useful addition to the Debt Counselor , more specifically because it adds a guilty component to the curriculum. According to Dickerson, stigmatization will change the debtor's economic philosophy and reduce the likelihood of impulse buying . However, psychological and psychiatric professionals say participating in Debtor Anonymous reduces shame.

Discrepancies in the group or intergroup

The Meetings tract says that attending the meetings regularly is an important part of recovery - it is vital for compulsive debt makers, and especially the newcomers. Discrepancies in the group or intergroup (between different groups, as well as between groups and members of the same meeting) can prevent the worldview from changing. Recognizing differences between personalities , especially who are better role models than others, and the inability to identify with the experiences of others disrupts the process of changing worldview.

Since the practices of the DA are only suggestions and not commands, you can pick and choose which parts to attach and follow. However, this approach is only conditionally tolerated in various groups. The rigidity or flexibility of a group in relation to the proposed practices can prevent identification with the group.

Debt Shift and Consumer Bankruptcy

The treatise of Debt Payment Anonymous explains bankruptcy or consumer bankruptcy as an “outside issue”, a topic on which DA has no view. However, it is worked out that some used bankruptcy only as a “quick fix” in order not to have to change their dysfunctional behavior of running up uncovered debts. It is also said that bankruptcy makes sense in certain situations.

Debt shifting is moving debt from one creditor to another in order to make it easier to repay the debt, for example as a result of a lower interest rate. Debt shifting is not discussed in the official Debt Anonymous publications, but in a book based largely on Debt Anonymous Principles: How To Get Out Of Debt, Stay Out of Debt & Live Prosperously. Since Debtors Anonymous does not have an official position on moving debts and bankruptcy, some groups are a bit more strict, which could deter potential new members.

Independent sources

What is official literature of Debtors Anonymous and what is not is decided by the General Service Committee - or at a conference of Debtors Anonymous by vote. A distinction is made between service literature (relating to the functioning of the groups) and recovery literature (everything else). Such literature is "conference-approved". Debtors Anonymous publishes a book, A Currency of Hope , and several small papers . A Currency of Hope contains the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Customized for Debtor Anonymous , a description of Obsessive Debt Compulsory, a brief history of the DA, and 38 stories of Debtor Anonymous members' experiences. DA is working on 18 new pieces of literature, including three books (as of August 2009).

In addition to the Debtors Anonymous literature, it is suggested that you study the Alcoholics Anonymous literature to better understand addictions . Special emphasis is placed on the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions. and "Alcoholics Anonymous" also known as the Blue Book . The Debtors Anonymous pamphlet on the use of AA literature emphasizes that in principle AA conference-approved literature should be used. However, she goes on to say that external sources can also be used. The use of non-conference-verified literature in Debtor Anonymous groups, such as How To Get Out Of Debt, Stay Out of Debt & Live Prosperously, could create conflict, although Debtor Anonymous themselves encourage the use of external sources.


  • Claudia Black: Debtors Anonymous offers group support for spending addicts . In: Los Angeles Times , November 27, 2009. Archived from the original on December 20, 2009. Retrieved December 19, 2009. 
  • April Lane Benson, Marie Bengler: Chapter 14: Treating Compulsive Buying . In: Coombs, Robert H. (Ed.): Handbook of addictive disorders: a practical guide to diagnosis and treatment . Wiley, Hoboken, NJ 2004, ISBN 0-471-23502-4 , pp. 451-488, OCLC 53224831 .
  • Leonard Brazer: Chapter 17: Psychoeducational Group Therapy for Money Disorders . In: Benson, April Lane (Ed.): I shop, therefore I am: compulsive buying and search for self . J. Aronson, Northvale, NJ 2000, ISBN 0-7657-0242-8 , pp. 398-430, OCLC 301650820 .
  • Bill W .: Alcoholics Anonymous , 4th. Edition, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, New York, New York 2002, ISBN 1-893007-16-2 , OCLC 408888189 (Retrieved June 14, 2010).
  • Bill W .: Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions . Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, 2002, ISBN 0-916856-01-1 , OCLC 13572433 .
  • Debtors Anonymous: The 12 Promises of Debtors Anonymous . Debtors Anonymous General Service Office. August 19, 2001. Archived from the original on December 28, 2009. Retrieved on December 27, 2009.
  • Debtors Anonymous: A Currency of Hope . Debtors Anonymous General Service Board, Inc, Needham, Massachusetts 1999, ISBN 0-9703238-0-8 , OCLC 42967777 .
  • Debtors Anonymous: AA Literature Archived from the original on December 28, 2009. In: Debtors Anonymous General Service Office . 2002. Retrieved December 28, 2009.
  • Debtors Anonymous: Awareness . Debtors Anonymous General Service Board, 2002, P-116.
  • Debtors Anonymous: Communicating With Creditors . Debtors Anonymous General Service Board, 2002, P-112.
  • Debtors Anonymous: Business Debtors Anonymous . Debtors Anonymous General Service Board, 2002, P-122.
  • Debtors Anonymous: Debtors Anonymous . In: Debtors Anonymous General Service Board . 2002. P-101.
  • Debtors Anonymous: Debt Payment . In: Debtors Anonymous General Service Board, Inc . 2002. P-109.
  • Debtors Anonymous: Literature Status Chart . In: Debtors Anonymous World Service Conference . 2009.
  • Debtors Anonymous: Meetings . Debtors Anonymous General Service Board, 2002, P-104.
  • Debtors Anonymous: Record Keeping . Debtors Anonymous General Service Board, 2001, P-105.
  • Debtors Anonymous: Recovery from Compulsive Spending . Debtors Anonymous General Service Board, 2004, P-127.
  • Debtors Anonymous: Signs of Compulsive Spending . August 3, 2002. Archived from the original on August 3, 2002. Retrieved June 5, 2010.
  • Debtors Anonymous: Signs of Compulsively Underearning . July 17, 2006. Archived from the original on July 17, 2006. Retrieved June 5, 2010.
  • Debtors Anonymous: Spirituality . Debtors Anonymous, 2004b, p-126.
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  • Debtors Anonymous: Visions . Debtors Anonymous General Service Board, 2002, P-113.
  • A. Mechele Dickerson: Can Shame, Guilt, or Stigma Be Taught: Why Credit-Focused Debtor Education May Not Work Archived from the original on December 26, 2009. In: Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review . 32, pp. 945-964. Retrieved December 25, 2009.
  • Ramona Goldman: Chapter 11: Compulsive Buying as an Addiction . In: Benson, April Lane (Ed.): I Shop, Therefore I Am . J. Aronson, Northvale, NJ 2000, ISBN 0-7657-0242-8 , pp. 245-267, OCLC 301650820 .
  • Tony Greco, Kristi Fagen: Recovery A to Z: A Dictionary of Twelve-Step Key Terms and Phrases . Central Recovery Press, May 1, 2009, ISBN 0-9799869-3-1 , p. 27, OCLC 244765260 .
  • Joe Harber: DA Literature - Pamphlets . October 7, 2009. Archived from the original on December 11, 2009. Retrieved on December 10, 2009.
  • Joe Harber: Can DA Help You - 15 Questions . Debtors Anonymous General Service Office. October 7, 2009. Archived from the original on December 27, 2009. Retrieved on March 21, 2014.
  • Terrell A Hayes: Labeling and the Adoption of a Deviant Status . In: Deviant Behavior . 31, No. 3, 2010, p. 274. doi : 10.1080 / 01639620903004861 .
  • Terrell A Hayes: Potential Obstacles to Worldview Transformations: Findings From Debtors Anonymous . In: International Journal of Self Help and Self Care . 1, No. 4, pp. 253-368. doi : 10.2190 / PLE7-543Q-7NTF-NQ2H .
  • Terrell A Hayes: Stigmatizing Indebtedness: Implications for Labeling Theory . In: Symbolic Interaction . 23, No. 1, February 2000, pp. 29-46. doi : 10.1525 / si.2000.23.1.29 .
  • Terrell A Hayes: Social and self-labeling processes in recognizing compulsive indebtedness: findings from Debtors Anonymous . Vanderbilt University, 1996, OCLC 37916407 (Retrieved June 14, 2010).
  • Betsy Levine, Bonnie Kellen: Chapter 18: Debtors Anonymous and Psychotherapy . In: Benson, April Lane (Ed.): I Shop, Therefore I Am . J. Aronson, Northvale, NJ 2000, ISBN 0-7657-0242-8 , pp. 431-454, OCLC 301650820 .
  • Adam D. Morenberg: Governing Wayward Consumers: Self-Change and Recovery in Debtors Anonymous . In: University of South Florida . , Tampa, Florida July 2004. Retrieved June 12, 2007.
  • Jerrold Mundis: How To Get Out Of Debt, Stay Out of Debt & Live Prosperously , Revised. Edition, Bantam, January 1, 2003, ISBN 0-553-38202-0 , OCLC 49959421 .
  • Ruben G. Olives: Looking at Money in America . In: Critique of Anthropology . 18, No. 1, March 1, 1998, pp. 35-59. doi : 10.1177 / 0308275X9801800102 .
  • Natti Ronel, Galit Libman: Eating Disorders and Recovery: Lessons from Overeaters Anonymous . In: Clinical Social Work Journal . 31, No. 2, June 2003, ISSN  1573-3343 , pp. 155-171. doi : 10.1023 / A: 1022962311073 .
  • Edith B. Roth: Getting Off the Credit Treadmill . In: American Education . 17, No. 4, May 1981, pp. 21-24.
  • Janis P. Sarra, Danielle Sarra: Accessing Insolvent Consumer Debtors, Challenges and Strategies for Empirical Research . In: Social Science Research Network Working Paper Series . May 7, 2009.
  • Stuart Vyse: Going broke . Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York 2008, ISBN 0-19-530699-6 , OCLC 153773333 .
  • Heather Williams: Of Free Trade and Debt Bondage: Fighting Banks and the State in Mexico . In: Sage Publications, Inc. (Ed.): Latin American Perspectives . 28, No. 4, July 2001, pp. 30-51. doi : 10.1177 / 0094582X0102800403 . "Mexico in the 1990s: Economic Crisis, Social Polarization, and Class Struggle, Part 2"
  • John T Zietlow, Alan G Seidner: Cash & investment management for nonprofit organizations . John Wiley and Sons, 2007, ISBN 0-471-74165-5 , OCLC 255472451 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Debtors Anonymoys: A Currency of Hope. 1999, p. 23.
  2. Sarra, Sarra: Accessing Insolvent Consumer Debtors, Challenges and Strategies for Empirical Research. 2009.
  3. a b c Greco, Fagen: Recovery A to Z: A Dictionary of Twelve-Step Key Terms and Phrases. 2009.
  4. Black: Debtors Anonymous offers group support for spending addicts. 2009.
  5. Debtors Anonymoys: A Currency of Hope. 1999, pp. 12-13.
  6. a b c Debtors Anonymous: The 12 Promises of Debtors Anonymous. 2001.
  7. Debtors Anonymoys: A Currency of Hope. 1999, pp. 15-16.
  8. Debtors Anonymoys: A Currency of Hope. 1999, pp. 10-11.
  9. a b c Debtors Anonymoys: A Currency of Hope. 1999, p. 10
  10. a b Debtors Anonymoys: A Currency of Hope. 1999, p. 19
  11. a b c Debtors Anonymoys: A Currency of Hope. 1999, p. 21
  12. a b c Debtors Anonymoys: A Currency of Hope. 1999, p. 17
  13. Harber: Can DA Help You - 15 Questions. 2009.
  14. Debtors Anonymoys: A Currency of Hope. 1999, p. 14.
  15. Olives: Looking at Money in America. 1998.
  16. ^ A b Goldman: Compulsive Buying as an Addiction. 2000.
  17. Debtors Anonymous: Recovery from Compulsive Spending. 2004, p. 1.
  18. Debtors Anonymous: Recovery from Compulsive Spending. 2004, p. 3.
  19. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Levine, Kellen: Debtors Anonymous and Psychotherapy. 2000.
  20. Debtors Anonymous: Signs of compulsively Underearning. 2006.
  21. a b Debtors Anonymous: Underearning. 2002.
  22. ^ Vyse: Going broke. 2008, p. 28.
  23. a b Debtors Anonymous: Communicating With Creditors. 2002.
  24. ^ A b c d e Morenberg: Governing Wayward Consumers: Self-Change and Recovery in Debtors Anonymous. 2004.
  25. a b c d Debtors Anonymoys: A Currency of Hope. 1999, p. 16
  26. Debtors Anonymous: Awareness. 2002.
  27. ^ A b c d Hayes: Social and self-labeling processes in recognizing compulsive indebtedness: findings from Debtors Anonymous. 1996.
  28. a b Debtors Anonymous: Meetings. 2002.
  29. Zietlow, Seidner: Cash & investment management for nonprofit Organizations. 2007, p. 5.
  30. Debtors Anonymous: Business Debtors Anonymous. 2002.
  31. Debtors Anonymous: Spirituality. 2004.
  32. Debtors Anonymous: Visions. 2002.
  33. a b c d Debtors Anonymoys: A Currency of Hope. 1999, p. 15.
  34. a b c d e f g h Benson, Bengler: Treating Compulsive Buying. 2004.
  35. a b c d e f Debtors Anonymous: Debt Payment. 2002.
  36. Brazer: I shop, therefore I am: compulsive buying and search for self. 2000.
  37. a b c Hayes: Stigmatizing Indebtedness: Implications for Labeling Theory. 2000.
  38. ^ Hayes: Social and self-labeling processes in recognizing compulsive indebtedness: findings from Debtors Anonymous. 2010.
  39. a b c d e Hayes: Potential Obstacles to Worldview Transformations: Findings From Debtors Anonymous. 2001-2002.
  40. Dickerson: Can Shame, Guilt, or Stigma Be Taught: Why Credit-Focused Debtor Education May Not Work. 1998-1999.
  41. Mundis: How To Get Out Of Debt, Stay Out of Debt & Live Prosperously. 2003, pp. 219-220.
  42. a b Debtors Anonymous: Literature Status Chart. 2009.
  43. Harber: DA Literature - Pamphlets. 2009.
  44. ^ Bill W .: Alcoholics Anonymous. 2002.
  45. a b Debtors Anonymous: AA Literature. 2002.