WorldCat is the world's largest bibliographic database , containing catalogs from thousands of member libraries of the online Computer Library Center . The service is operated by the OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. , while the content is provided by the participating libraries . WorldCat was founded as OCLC in 1967.
Social networking with WorldCat
WorldCat offers, among other things, various social networking functions. This includes:
- Lists, Profiles and Citatons
- Reviews, ratings and RSS feeds
- Blogs
- Identities
- Facebook widgets and Google gadgets
Lists can be created and shared individually. Updates are made available as RSS feeds . Within the first six months after the function was introduced, 40,000 lists were created.
In order to enable an exchange of information, a blog was launched. This offers interested people the opportunity to find out about various applications.
Another function is the identity overview. In addition to information on authors or virtual persons, information on their publications can be called up in the form of a timeline.
WorldCat has also become active in the area of social networks . Norbert Weinberg as follows: "We bring libraries to where people really spend their time online". In addition, WorldCat now also offers a Google service , which serves as a supplement to the Google homepage.
Open WorldCat
The freely accessible Open WorldCat has around 389 million entries in 491 languages and dialects (as of January 2017). These entries contain around 2.5 billion inventory records. More than three million entries are added every year.
Limitations compared to WorldCat
- Compared to WorldCat, Open WorldCat has a simplified search interface to make it easier for the less experienced user to search.
- The Open WorldCat data is part of the OCLC “First Search” offer. "First Search" creates a link between different OCLC databases and is chargeable. However, the use of Open WorldCat is not tied to "First Search".
- Jeffrey Beall: WorldCat , in: The Charleston Advisor , 9 (4), 2008, pp. 46-49.
Web links
- Official website
- GBV and Pica: Shaping the future together (pdf) Speech by Jay Jordan (President and CEO of OCLC Dublin Ohio USA) on the 10-year cooperation between GBV and Pica for the 5th joint conference of the GBV 2001 (23 kB)
Individual evidence
- ↑ What is WorldCat? In: WorldCat, accessed January 11, 2017 .
- ↑ Our story. In: Retrieved August 29, 2016 .
- ^ A b Norbert Weinberger: Social Networking Services in Retrieved March 22, 2020 .
- ↑ Inside WorldCat. In: Retrieved July 6, 2017 .